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This two-season sitcom explores of the lives of three members of the 4077th after they return home. Colonel Potter returns home and takes a job as a doctor at General General, a veteran's hospital in Hannibal, Missouri. He recruits Klinger as an administrative assistant, and Father Mulcahy joins them as the hospital's Catholic chaplain.
TV Show Ended.
S2E7 - Ward is Hell
Klinger runs a hospital lottery, but trouble ensues when Soon-Lee has the winning ticket. Meanwhile, Dr. Boyer is laid up with a staph infection, bringing his anger and bad attitude to the post-op ward.
Air Date: 04 Dec 1984 11:00 (CDT)
S2E8 - Saturday's Heroes
Attempts at weekend romances are interrupted when the Potters' car breaks down and Wainwright revokes passes for the psychiatric ward. Elsewhere, the Klinger baby is christened and named.
Air Date: 11 Dec 1984 11:00 (CDT)
S2E9 - Wet Feet
A Missouri thunderstorm leads Alma to practice her role as the hospital Civil Defense officer, the doctors to take refuge at a supply room poker game, and a mental patient to lock himself in the hospital fallout shelter after mistaking the storm for nuclear war.
Air Date: 18 Dec 1984 11:00 (CDT)