Big Spender

Family | Educational | How To/Do It Yourself

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A&E (US)



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From the outside their lives look perfect. Nice houses. New cars. Closets full of clothes. The problem? Thousands and thousands of dollars in debt. Welcome to "BIG SPENDER", the A&E series that takes you inside the lives of people with mountains of debt, no savings, no assets and disastrous spending habits.

They’re on the brink of financial ruin with no hope at all…until now.
Join host Larry Winget – New York Times Bestseller and the self proclaimed “Pitbull of Personal Development” – as he confronts people head on about their spending and shopping problems and then puts them on a budget to help get their lives back on track.

Every Saturday at 11:30am/10:30c Larry ambushes our "BIG SPENDER", catching them in the act. And once he does, everything is fair game – from digging through their closets to unearth 40 or 50 pairs of new shoes, to letting a spouse know that their partner has secretly taken out a loan for $50,000.

Emotions run high as Larry confronts people with their problem and then gets them to agree to three weeks of financial boot camp -- cutting their expenses, lessening their debt, increasing their income but most of all taking responsibility for their actions. With his “tough love” people skills, Larry digs into the heart of the problem and gives them the stepping-stones they need to get back on track.

Tune in, because as Larry likes to say, “it’s about to get ugly.” (Source:

Big Spender Next Episode Air Date

TV Show Canceled/Ended.

List of episodes

S1E4 - Brent and Leslie

Air Date: 30 Jul 2006 17:30 (CDT)

S1E5 - Jordana and Brandon

Air Date: 06 Aug 2006 17:30 (CDT)

S1E6 - Tony & Heather

Air Date: 13 Aug 2006 17:30 (CDT)