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VH1 (US)



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"Could you survive on a desert island with 30 strippers you weren't allowed to touch on Lapdance Island?" No problem. "Would you gain 100 pounds to become an international superstar in 'Super Duper Size Me?'" Sounds great. "Are you willing to be thrown from a cliff in a barrel filled with ravenous piranhas to win big on 'Death Factor?'" Where do I sign up?

People will do just about anything to get famous on TV. No outrageous challenge, life-threatening feat or compromising embarrassment seems too extreme for civilians and celebrities in exchange for a shot at stardom.

Welcome to VH1's new social experiment BSTV the show that delights in pushing people's limits to find out just how much crap they'll take for TV fame. We'll give them what they perceive to be the opportunity of a lifetime - and watch as they run with it.

Each BSTV episode invites real people and celebrities to participate in what they believe to be casting calls and pilot tapings for the latest, hottest new reality shows coming to the tube. What they don't know is -- every audition is 100% fake. Each concept is pulled off by our cast of professionally trained improv actors posing as the show's producers and talent.

Since the participants don't know the shows aren't real, their reactions are 100% genuine. No matter how much B.S. is doled out by our cast of accomplices, eager reality show wannabes and celebrities always seem to be ready to believe any bogus concept for their chance at fame.

Whether you love reality TV shows, (or recognize they represent the end of civilization), BSTV proves that our world is ready to do whatever it takes for the limelight. People are obsessed with achieving fame - no matter the cost.

(Source: VH1)

BSTV Next Episode Air Date

TV Show Canceled/Ended.

List of episodes

S1E3 - Super Duper Size Me

Air Date: 18 May 2005 12:00 (CDT)

S1E4 - The First Time

Air Date: 19 May 2005 12:00 (CDT)

S1E6 - The Box

Air Date: 20 May 2005 12:00 (CDT)