Flavor of Love

Flavor of Love next episode air date poster

VH1 (US)



9/10 from 2 users

Flavor of Love is an American reality television dating game show starring Flavor Flav of the rap group Public Enemy. The show is part of VH1's Celebreality lineup and its format is similar to that of The Bachelor, with contestants living in a mansion and being put through various challenges while Flav chooses to keep or eliminate them. He is helped in his quest by his bodyguard and chauffeur, "Big Rick," his mother, and his former romantic partner, Brigitte Nielsen.

Unlike The Bachelor, each contestant is given a nickname by Flav, and is referred to by that nickname for as long as they remain in the competition. When a contestant is eliminated, her real name is then revealed. Another difference from The Bachelor is instead of a rose ceremony, where roses are given to contestants that survive elimination, there is a clock ceremony where contestants that are not eliminated receive gold clocks to wear around their necks with their picture on them.

Flavor of Love Next Episode Air Date

TV Show Canceled/Ended.

List of episodes

S3E14 - Clip Show

Air Date: 12 May 2008 21:00 (CDT)

S3E15 - Season Finale

Air Date: 19 May 2008 21:00 (CDT)

S3E16 - Reunion

Air Date: 26 May 2008 21:00 (CDT)