G4TV.COM next episode air date poster

G4 (US)



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G4tv.com was a weekly interactive late night talk show. Every Friday night, co-hosts Tina Wood, Laura Foy and Geoff Keighley discussed and debated the previous week's hottest topics in the gaming industry. They covered the latest game releases, the news on a new console release and the current game controversy. Viewers were encouraged to visit the show's message board forums or call the show comment line to voice opinions, and if they were lucky their comments might make it on the air. The show was cancelled in December 2005.

G4TV.COM Next Episode Air Date

TV Show Canceled/Ended.

List of episodes

S4E42 - Moore Xbox 360

Air Date: 05 Dec 2005 11:00 (CDT)

S4E43 - Philadelphia Freedom

Air Date: 12 Dec 2005 11:00 (CDT)

S4E44 - Goodbye

Air Date: 19 Dec 2005 11:00 (CDT)