Drama | Action | Science-Fiction
Disney XD (US)
9.9/10 from 18 users
Marvel's Spider-Man tells the story of an unsure (but courageous) teen who has to figure out how to be a super hero from the very beginning.
TV Show Ended.
S3E4 - Spider-Man Unmasked
After Spider-Man's friend is turned back into the rampaging Rhino by Swarm, Spidey is forced to battle for his life in the Underground Monster League contest.
Air Date: 15 Aug 2020 20:00 (CDT)
S3E5 - Generations
When Spider-Man discovers a vial of jackal serum at Horizon High, he and Ghost-Spider track down Jackal's secret lab in an attempt to destroy the villain's evil
Air Date: 27 Sep 2020 20:00 (CDT)
S3E6 - Maximum Venom
The Spider Team tracks down the missing Dr. Connors, who has undergone another transformation into the Lizard after learning from the Dark Goblin that the cure for the lizard serum he had been working for never existed. Just when that task is hard enough, the Spider Team discovers that Venom has returned from the dead to seek revenge on the Earth for thwarting his invasion.
Air Date: 25 Oct 2020 20:00 (CDT)