Drama | Medical
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"Matt Lincoln," a drama series starring Vince Edwards in the title role as a strong, compassionate psychiatrist dedicated to serving the troubled in mind and spirit. Although Dr. Lincoln, a youthful, hip bachelor, channels his professional skills in many directions in practicing "preventive" psychiatry, home base for the series is a hospital mental health center. Here, Matt serves at a walk-in clinic and has founded a "hotline" facility. Co-starring as hotline volunteers are Chelsea Brown as Tag, Michael Larrain as Kevin, Felton Perry as Jimmy and June Harding as Ann.
Lincoln is a psychiatrist, but not one of your couch-side-chained psychiatrists. (He thinks that's what ruined Breaking Point and The Eleventh Hour.) No, our man Lincoln is, Vince says," a community psychiatrist." "The other TV psychiatrists," he says, "have been passive people. Matt Lincoln is active. That's the difference."
TV Show Canceled/Ended.
S1E14 - Jimmy
Air Date: 31 Dec 1970 18:30 (CDT)
S1E15 - Karen
Air Date: 07 Jan 1971 18:30 (CDT)
S1E16 - Christopher
Air Date: 14 Jan 1971 18:30 (CDT)