Men are required

Soaps | Drama | Romance/Dating

Klan TV (AL)

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Men Wanted
Men required!

Telenovela me e bukur qe rrefen jetet private te nje grupi femrash, qe jane kliente te shpeshta tek “ Angelica Style ”, nje sallon shume i famshme bukurie. Soap with beautiful rrefen the private life of a group of women, who are frequent customers to "Angelica Style", a very famous beauty salon.

Keto femra: Angelica, Nora, Mercedes, Samantha, Loreto, Vanesa, Lilí, Gabriela, Fernanda dhe Cecilia , kane dicka te perbashket: te gjitha kane deshtuar per te gjetur mashkulllin e endrrave te tyre. These women: Angelica, Nora, Mercedes, Samantha, Loreto, Vanessa, Lilí Gabriela, Fernand and Cecilia, have something in common: all failed to find their mashkulllin of Dreams.

Te gjitha klientet dhe punonjeset presin keshilla dhe mbeshtetje nga Angelica, pronarja e sallonit, e cila ne syte e tyre, duket si femra qe ka gjetur dashurine ideale. All customers and employees expect advice and support from Angelica, owner of Salon, which in their eyes, looks like the women who has found an ideal love.

Teksa jeta rrjedh, ato shfaqin personalitetin dhe ndjenjat e tyre me te thella per meshkujt. As life flows, they reveal their personalities and feelings of profound for men. Ato duan nje mashkull qe mund te kuptoje lirine e tyre dhe ti dashuroje pafund. They want a man who can understand their freedom and endless love. (Source:

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