Napoleon Dynamite


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Featuring the voices of the original cast, Napoleon Dynamite follows the continuing adventures of America's most awesomely awkward teenager and his quirky family and friends, as they navigate small-town life in rural Idaho.

Napoleon Dynamite Next Episode Air Date

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List of episodes

S1E4 - Pedro vs. Deb

When sales for the school paper plummet and the school threatens to shut it down, Deb comes to the rescue with the promise of a great story that will save The Preston Bugle. She decides to do an interview with Pedro, the school president, and is thrilled when he grants her unlimited access. But Deb's article puts in him hot water with the townspeople, and even Napoleon's sweet dance moves can't save the day. Consequently, Napoleon, Deb and Pedro must come up with a more exciting local story that will take the focus off of Pedro and repair the damage to Pedro and Deb's friendship.

Air Date: 12 Feb 2012 19:30 (CDT)

S1E5 - Bed Races

Uncle Rico and Napoleon team up to participate in the annual Preston, ID, bed races and prevent Grandma, a six-time champion, from winning again this year. During the race Uncle Rico persuades Napoleon to cheat in order to beat her and restore him to his former glory after losing the big high school football game years earlier. Following their win, Uncle Rico rejoices in his new found fame, Grandma is depressed and Napoleon is left with the dilemma of whether to tell Grandma the truth or let his uncle enjoy his new standing in the community.

Air Date: 19 Feb 2012 19:30 (CDT)

S1E6 - FFA

The Future Farmers of America's state competition is coming up. But when Napoleon's partner drops out, he begs Pedro to be his teammate. Pedro reluctantly agrees and they set out to beat Napoleon's FFA rival, Filson (guest voice Rockwell), for a second year in a row. While at the event, Napoleon loses focus when the FFA Queen puts the moves on him. In the end, Pedro comes to the rescue.

Air Date: 04 Mar 2012 19:30 (CDT)