Немножко разведены

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The way to family happiness is through the bed. With the otherIn the reality on Yu couples experiencing a crisis, the couple give each other a full carte Bbanche and leave to live with their, as they think, ideal "halves".Adultery is an eternal and controversial topic: someone claims that treason is the death of love, and someone believes that a good "leftist" strengthens the marriage. Where is truth? What happens if people in a relationship have the official right to go "left"? This will try to understand the heroes of our brave reality.For two weeks, families will leave and try to build relationships with other people, while they will have complete freedom of action – everyone will decide how far they can go with a new partner. The couple will call each other every day and even meet "couple to couple" to understand their feelings and make a fateful decision – to divorce or not.How will the experiment affect families? Will the heroes be able to keep the marriage or they will plunge into a new relationship?

Немножко разведены Next Episode Air Date

There is no Next Episode of Немножко разведены planned.

List of episodes

S3E3 - Выпуск 26

Air Date: 11 Mar 2021 23:30 (CDT)

S3E4 - Выпуск 27

Air Date: 11 Mar 2021 23:30 (CDT)

S3E5 - Выпуск 28

Air Date: 21 Mar 2021 00:30 (CDT)

S3E6 - Выпуск 29

Air Date: 26 Mar 2021 00:30 (CDT)