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A look at some of the top trending online searches, exploring the most crucial people and moments of the past, the hottest topics right now, and what the future may hold.

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List of episodes

S1E1 - The Link Between the Creative and Mental Health

Throughout history, creatives have famously struggled with their mental health. Explore whether a link between mental health and creativity truly exists.

Air Date: 12 Nov 2020 06:00 (CDT)

S1E2 - Jobs of the Future…and Should You Be Worried?

The jobs that we do, and the way that we do them is constantly changing. The team explore non-traditional careers to get an idea of what the future might hold.

Air Date: 12 Nov 2020 06:00 (CDT)

S1E3 - Slavery Still Exists: The Shocking Modern Day Story

It's 400 years since the arrival of the first enslaved Africans. But, it's estimated that over 40 million people are experiencing some form of slavery right now.

Air Date: 12 Nov 2020 06:00 (CDT)

S1E4 - Power of Persuasion: The Rise of Social Media Influencers

Today it has become easier for people to put themselves in-front of an audience of millions. Examine how the world of entertainment and advertising has changed forever.

Air Date: 12 Nov 2020 06:00 (CDT)

S1E5 - Emaad Raad: How I Survived Being a Refugee

While wars, civil unrest and natural disasters continue to happen, there is no ‘quick fix' for the global refugee crisis. Emad talks about life as a Syrian refugee.

Air Date: 12 Nov 2020 06:00 (CDT)

S1E6 - Racism in Sport: Breaking Down the Barriers

Sport can empower society, but it can also reflect the divisions within it. The team examine how successful the fight has been to stamp out racism and sexism.

Air Date: 12 Nov 2020 06:00 (CDT)

S1E7 - Disability in Sports: Have We Levelled the Playing Field?

Despite the major success of the Paralympics, disabled people still face barriers in sport. Explore what life is like for a man who has won 26 international medals.

Air Date: 12 Nov 2020 06:00 (CDT)

S1E8 - Cleopatra: Femme Fatale or Formidable Female?

The team delve into the extraordinary life of Cleopatra to try to find out what she was really like and how she might inspire women today.

Air Date: 12 Nov 2020 06:00 (CDT)

S1E9 - How Natural Remedies Are Beating Big Pharma Industries

Medicine is produced and controlled by one of the most powerful groups in the world. Are we too reliant on ‘Big Pharma' medicine?

Air Date: 12 Nov 2020 06:00 (CDT)

S1E10 - The Truth Behind Fashion Pollution

One of the major polluting industries in the world right now is the fashion industry. Explore as the team take a closer look at the solution.

Air Date: 12 Nov 2020 06:00 (CDT)

S1E11 - Digesting the Argument: Plant vs. Meat-based Diets

Out of all the different diets out there, a clear battle line has been drawn, and it's trending: Plant vs Meat. Is there actually such a thing as ‘a perfect diet'?

Air Date: 12 Nov 2020 06:00 (CDT)

S1E12 - Che Guevara: Cold-Blooded Killer or Revolutionary Martyr?

A look at the life and death of a world-famous rebel. Was ‘Che' Guevara a great revolutionary or a blood-thirsty rebel?

Air Date: 12 Nov 2020 06:00 (CDT)

S1E13 - Fake News: How It All Began

It's a 21st Century phenomenon, but the concept of Fake News always existed. The team explores how it all began and how we have got to where we are now.

Air Date: 12 Nov 2020 06:00 (CDT)

S1E14 - Space Tech You Wouldn't Believe Has Changed Our Lives

Humans have always been driven to explore the unknown. The team explore some of the amazing innovations that space travel has given us.

Air Date: 12 Nov 2020 06:00 (CDT)