Nick Cope's Popcast

Music | Children

Nick Cope's Popcast next episode air date poster

BBC iPlayer (GB)

To Be Determined


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Join Nick and his whippet Norman in a magical, musical series filled with funny songs for children and their families.

Nick Cope's Popcast Next Episode Air Date

There is no Next Episode of Nick Cope's Popcast planned.

List of episodes

S3E16 - It Doesn't Matter

Today is Popcast sports day. Nick is entering the potato-and-spoon race, but he is having one of those days when everything is going wrong. The Popcasters tell Nick to try his best, but is this enough for him to win a medal?

Air Date: 24 Apr 2023 02:25 (CDT)

S3E17 - Whole Lotta Fun

Today is the Popavision Song Contest, and Nick and Norman think they can win it. With the Popcast Planners and Nick's Popavison costume, the stage is set for an exciting evening, But what song should they sing? 

Air Date: 24 Apr 2023 02:25 (CDT)

S3E18 - Crochet Doll

The neighbours have left a 'please take' box outside their house, so Nick picks out some exciting things. The little crochet doll he finds looks a bit sad. Can Norman and the Popcasters help write a song to cheer it up?

Air Date: 24 Apr 2023 02:25 (CDT)

S3E19 - Old People

Nick is performing at a special birthday party and needs a poptastic list of songs to sing. He can't believe his eyes when the birthday girl calls up to check on the list, and together they write today's Popcast song.

Air Date: 24 Apr 2023 02:25 (CDT)