
Crime | Drama

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Notorious centers on the symbiotic relationship between charismatic defense attorney Jake Gregorian and powerhouse TV producer Julia George, as they attempt to control the media, the justice system and ultimately each other.When Jake's clients find themselves in the nation's spotlight, he uses the media to sway public opinion. Meanwhile, Julia, the executive producer of Louise Herrick Live (LHL), the number one TV news program in the country, capitalizes on Jake's clients' notoriety. Together, they make great TV and determine the nation's headlines.

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List of episodes

S1E8 - The Burn Book

Disgraced and former TV news host Dana Hartman turns to Julia and Jake for help when her rebellious daughter becomes a suspect in the murder of her aspiring filmmaker boyfriend. Singer and reality-star Ray J gets caught up in the case when he announces the murder weapon belonged to him.

Air Date: 10 Nov 2016 20:00 (CDT)

S1E9 - Choice

Jake furiously works different angles of the murder case against Maya Hartman, daughter of disgraced news anchor Dana Hartman. He thinks Dana could help by pleading her daughter's case on LHL, even though Louise hijacked a previous interview by showing a sex tape of Dana with Maya's boyfriend. Max is against Louise and Julia's dangerous and clandestine trip to Mexico to get the LHL exclusive with drug kingpin Carlos Mora aka "El Toro."

Air Date: 17 Nov 2016 20:00 (CDT)

S1E10 - Taken

Season Finale. When Julia is mistakenly taken hostage by Mexican cartel leader Carlos Mora, Jake and LHL take extreme measures to ensure her safe return. Mora says he will release her and a fellow journalist if she produces an interview that would advance his propaganda.

Air Date: 08 Dec 2016 21:00 (CDT)