Пробный переезд

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Пятница (RU)



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Anfisa Chernykh and Anton Zaitsev set out on a journey across the country to find out where in Rus' to live well and happily. The hosts will explore the country and tell you amazing things about cities worth moving to. Where and for how much to rent a house? Where to get a job? Which restaurant to choose? No hackneyed advice from guidebooks, only answers to the most vital questions.

Пробный переезд Next Episode Air Date

There is no Next Episode of Пробный переезд planned.

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List of episodes

S5E6 - Петрозаводск

Anton Zaitsev and Anfisa Chernykh will go to Petrozavodsk. Here Anton will mine stone, have a picnic by the lake and learn about unusual musical instruments. And Anfisa will tell you how the districts of the city are arranged, visit the workshop of a local brand and try dishes with local products. The program "Trial relocation" will show where Petrozavodsk residents work and how they have fun.

Air Date: 06 Dec 2024 15:00 (CDT)

S5E7 - Оренбург

Anfisa Chernykh and Anton Zaitsev will tell you how to move to Orenburg. Anfisa will work at a factory for the production of down shawls, visit the shadow theater and get to know a watchmaker. Anton will consider several housing options, learn recipes for watermelon dishes, cook a unique pie and visit an ethnic village. The secrets of Orenburg residents will be revealed by the hosts of the "Trial Relocation" program.


Air Date: 13 Dec 2024 15:00 (CDT)

S5E8 - Вологда

Anton Zaitsev and Anfisa Chernykh will move to Vologda. Anton will work at an electric bus manufacturing plant, learn how to play the glassphone, go to a unique restaurant and visit the Vologda Ships Museum. Anfisa will consider housing options, prepare a dish with local products, see how the townspeople combine modernity and tradition, and visit a puppet theater. Watch the "Trial Relocation" program!

Air Date: 20 Dec 2024 15:00 (CDT)