Rainbow Brite

Animation General | Children

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Rainbow Land was a place of total darkness and emptiness before Rainbow Brite was sent to save it. She is brought to Rainbow Land in a sphere of light and is asked by this light whether she wants to fulfill the mission of saving Rainbow Land and restoring it to its original beauty. Rainbow Brite agrees. The voice tells Rainbow that in order for her to save Rainbow Land, she has to find the sphere of light.

Rainbow sets of to seek the sphere of light and meets Twink on the way. Rainbow manages to convince Twink to join her quest in search of the sphere of light and they set of to the castle where the sphere of light is supposed to be. At the gates of the castle, they encounter Star Lite who has been frozen in ice. They save Starlite and the three of them continue on the journey towards the castle.

Murky and Lurky are instructed by the Evil one to stop Rainbow from reaching the castle. On the way to the castle, Rainbow and her companions encounter some difficulties set up by Murky and Lurky. While trying to cross a bridge, the bridge collapses. ( the structure of the brigde was weakened by Murky and Lurky).

Rainbow and her companions fall into the river below and manage to climb back onto ground. Rainbow then finds a baby on a rock and at this moment, it begins to rain. Rainbow suggests taking shelter in a cave until the rain stops. In the cave, they discover Rainbow's belt and also Red Butler. The belt suddenly lights up and 7 bubbles float into the air. The images of the color kids are in these bubbles and the color kids tell Rainbow Brite that they have to be saved in order for Rainbow Land to be saved.

On saving the last three color kids, Rainbow, the color kids and star lite encounter Murky and Lurky.

Rainbow sets of to save the other color kids who are at the different corners of Rainbow Land. She finds all the color kids and she sets of to fight the evil one and look for the sphere of light who is in the castle tower. Rainbow goes to the tower and realises that the baby she found is the sphere of light. Rainbow then fights with the evil one and defeats him. Thus, restoring Rainbow Land to it's original beauty and glory.

(Source: rainbowbrite.tv)

Rainbow Brite Next Episode Air Date

TV Show Canceled/Ended.

List of episodes

S1E11 - Murky's Comet

Air Date: 20 Feb 1985 23:00 (CDT)

S1E12 - A Horse of a Different Color

Air Date: 27 Feb 1985 23:00 (CDT)

S1E13 - The Queen of the Sprites

Air Date: 06 Mar 1985 23:00 (CDT)