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“Raising Miranda” was a 30-minute situation comedy (also known as a Domcom) TV series aired on Saturday nights on CBS at 8:30PM. “Donald Marshak” played by veteran Actor “James Naughton” plays a Father who must single handily take care of his teenage Daughter “Miranda Marshak” played by Actress “Royana Black” after his Wife Donna who we never see has left him high and dry. Some of his neighbors the Hoodenpyle Family of Bob and Joan and his friends who are Jack, Marcine and Russell are sometimes available to help him out in a pinch. The series never really took off and aired only 7 of the 9 taped episodes between 5 November and 31 December 1988.
Note: A “Domcom” is the shortened version of a “Domestic Comedy” when it has any of these characteristics of Character-Based Situation Comedies Plot, Diction, Music, Spectacle and Thought.
TV Show Canceled/Ended.
S1E5 - All Through the Night
Air Date: 03 Dec 1988 19:30 (CDT)
S1E6 - Home for the Holidays
Air Date: 10 Dec 1988 19:30 (CDT)
S1E7 - Marcine Shoplifts
Air Date: 31 Dec 1988 19:30 (CDT)