Action | Adventure | Anime
4/10 from 2 users
In the land of Kuruda, every warriors with magical powers or incredible fighting skills battle for the title of Sevaar, the strongest warrior in the land. Elle Ragu, nicknamed Shadow Skill, is the newest Sevaar to emerge in the land, and thus it doesn't make her life any easier. She has to teach her brother, Gau to be a warrior at the same time. She is also responsible for fending off assassins from other kingdoms and thwarting enemy invasions.
Opening Theme:
#01: Born Legend - Kasumi
Ending Theme:
#01: Last Quarter - Princess Purin (eps 1-5,7,9,14,18,26)
#02: For My Pride - Spirit Level (eps 6,8,10-13,15-17,19-25) (Lyrics)
TV Show Canceled/Ended.
S1E24 - Fist of God
Air Date: 09 Dec 1998 18:00 (CDT)
S1E25 - Ying-style Demon
Air Date: 16 Dec 1998 18:00 (CDT)
S1E26 - Path of a Sevaar
Air Date: 23 Dec 1998 18:00 (CDT)