Tokyo MX (JP)
9/10 from 1 users
The science-fiction ensemble drama centers around 36 boys and girls. On August 16, midway through a seemingly endless summer vacation, middle school third-year student Nagara, the mysterious transfer student Nozomi, and classmates such as Mizuho and Asakaze, are suddenly transported from their tranquil daily lives to a school adrift in an alternate dimension. They must survive with the super powers that have awakened within them.
TV Show Ended.
S1E10 - Summer and the Demon
Kossetsu reads the minds of others passing by in a train station world using her true power. She pines for Asakaze, knowing that he is interested in Nozomi, and that Nozomi is the only one who can change him. Asakaze is given a world-changing assignment.
Air Date: 15 Sep 2021 22:00 (CDT)
S1E11 - The Young Man and the Sea
After learning of Nozomi's death from Kossetsu's letter, Nagara and Mizuho perform a ceremony in her honor. As they advance on the project to return home, they are visited by an old friend, who tells them the story of when he met the man who invented death.
Air Date: 22 Sep 2021 22:00 (CDT)
S1E12 - A Two-Year Recess
Nagara attends the opening ceremony of his technical school, but feels out of place. He sees Mizuho leaving her all-girls' school, but she brushes him off. He recalls what happened after blasting off into space, questioning if he ever really went adrift.
Air Date: 29 Sep 2021 22:00 (CDT)