
TAFKAL next episode air date poster

Videoland (NL)

To Be Determined


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Ruben Nicolai, Tijl Beckand, Ruben van der Meer, Jeroen van Koningsbrugge and Patrick Lodiers: they are synonymous with improvisation and tax fraud, but they don't tour with the latter. As The Artists Formerly Known As Lamas (TAFKAL), they will be featured in an exclusive series after the summer.

TAFKAL Next Episode Air Date

There is no Next Episode of TAFKAL planned.


List of episodes

S2E3 - Maik de Boer

Maik de Boer is a guest for the third episode and surely will bring lots of comedy to the episode.

Air Date: 27 Oct 2023 05:00 (CDT)

S2E4 - René Froger

René Froger, a guest that previously visited them at ''De Lama's'' is asked to return for a single episode in the new show TAFKAL to bring lots of laughter and jokes.

Air Date: 03 Nov 2023 06:00 (CDT)

S2E5 - Donnie

Donnie, famous for his funny raps, is the next guest and will be easily joining the squad in their show of improvisation.

Air Date: 10 Nov 2023 05:00 (CDT)