Outdoor Channel (US)
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The Bass Pros has a stated goal to be the best, most informative show on bass fishing found anywhere today. Join Kevin VanDam, Edwin Evers, Stacey King, Rick Clunn, Tim Horton, Ott DeFoe, and others every week in a solid, fast-moving, information packed show on one fish – bass, and how to catch ‘em. 2013 is the seventh hot season featuring the latest trends, latest baits and latest techniques from the world's top anglers. We cover the basics in Bass 101, explore the hottest topics in Fishin' in Five, and drill down deep into solid information in In-Depth. This great show features multiple fishermen every week and we cover the country looking for new and better ways to fish for Smallies, Kentuckies, and Largemouth bass. It's in the name; it's in our blood – The Bass Pros and now, it's on Outdoor Channel!
TV Show Ended.
S10E7 - Chris Lane, Fall Shallows, small crankbaits
Chris Lane shows us how he uses stick baits in Alabama. Edwin Evers shows us fish after fish in shallow water fishing in the Fall. KVD has learned the best way to coax finicky bass into biting is to offer an irresistible bite size morsel, a small soft plastic jerkbait is what does the trick.
Air Date: 14 Feb 2016 14:30 (CDT)
S10E8 - Chatterbait, Frogs, Jerkbaits
Kevin VanDam shows how tuning a chatterbait will make it more productive. Chris Lane shows us the soft-plastic frogs he uses for big bass. Rick Clunn Shows us why there is a difference between floating and sinking jerk baits.
Air Date: 21 Feb 2016 14:30 (CDT)
S10E9 - Chris's Favs, Crankbait Depths, Lure Shapes
Chris Lane reveals his top five all-time favorite lures. Davy Hite shows us three different crankbaits for three different depths of water. Ott DeFoe shows us why soft plastic need to be shaped differently during different seasons of the year.
Air Date: 28 Feb 2016 14:30 (CDT)