The Gift (AU)


Nine Network (AU)

Returning Series


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Brought to you by Australians Donate

Organ donation and transplant may take up to 50 professionals to achieve this fast, yet fragile process - surgeons, nurses, pilots, police, scientists, co-ordinators; all working urgently to an unyielding deadline.

Their challenge within this narrow window of time is to transform one person's tragedy into a second chance for up to ten others, and it's a race against the clock. A heart's viable rate is just two to four hours, so there isn't much time. The donor coordinator would give the donated organ to the police and they would escort it to the airport and place it on the jet. At the other end, the transplant co-ordinator waits to receive the organ and part two of this amazing story of life is about to begin.

The Gift will follow real life stories as they happen. We will witness the donor family and their journey as they face a wall of grief, yet still choose to give life to strangers they will never meet. The people on the transplant list sit waiting for that call that will rush them to hospital, surgery and an uncertain future... some may not make it. Join the extraordinary professionals who work around the clock to make this happen. Marvel at the medical procedures that will inform, shock and intrigue... and be inspired by resilience of ordinary people just like you who face these intense and life-changing situations. (Source: Nine)

The Gift (AU) Next Episode Air Date

There is no Next Episode of The Gift (AU) planned.