Adventure | Children
Cartoon Network (US)
6/10 from 3 users
The show follows the lives of Orange and friends; Pear, Passion Fruit, Midget Apple, Marshmellow, Grandpa Lemon and the antagonistic Grapefruit. The main setting takes place at a grocery store named Daneboe's (a reference to creator Dane Boedigheimer) which is watched over by employee Nerville (played by internet personality Toby Turner). There is no one-track premise for the show but instead focuses on the surreal misadventures of the fruit as they face evil vegetables, alien broccoli and other weird characters as well.
TV Show Ended.
S2E28 - Meet Banana Monocle
It's all about the music for Banana Monocle, the hugely successful fruit punk band. This ragtag band of fruit rocketed to the top with their unique sound and annoying lyrics. But will the pressures of fame and success tear them apart?
Air Date: 10 Mar 2014 11:00 (CDT)
S2E29 - Defending Your Fruitcart (1)
The League of Food Overlords captures Nerville and holds the fate of the cart in their hands. With the deadline of their destruction fast approaching, Orange sets out on a journey to see the Wise Old Fruit. Will he learn the secrets needed to defeat their edible adversaries?
Air Date: 17 Mar 2014 11:00 (CDT)
S2E30 - Defending Your Fruitcart (2)
The League of Food Overlords captures Nerville and holds the fate of the cart in their hands. With the deadline of their destruction fast approaching, Orange sets out on a journey to see the Wise Old Fruit. Will he learn the secrets needed to defeat their edible adversaries?
Air Date: 17 Mar 2014 11:00 (CDT)