The Zeta Project

Action | Science-Fiction

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The WB (US)



7.3/10 from 3 users

In this spinoff from Batman Beyond, Zeta is a robot with a holographic projector and built-in weaponry, allowing it to disguise himself as any human being so that he can assassinate his targets. The government designs Zeta for black-op missions, but it develops sentience and a will of its own... and goes on the run. Helping him is a runaway, Ro Rowan.

The Zeta Project Next Episode Air Date

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List of episodes

S2E12 - The River Rising

Air Date: 03 Aug 2002 11:00 (CDT)

S2E13 - The Hologram Man

Air Date: 10 Aug 2002 11:00 (CDT)

S2E14 - The Wrong Morph

Air Date: 17 Aug 2002 11:00 (CDT)