Today's Close-Up

NHK World (JP)



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List of episodes

S2024E26 - Uneven Healthcare Crisis: Dual Challenges Facing Japan's Hospitals

Japan's medical system is facing a crisis, but it's not one that affects everyone — or everywhere — equally. Despite the fact that overall doctor numbers are increasing, they are unevenly distributed, both in terms of physical location and specialty. Changes in working styles and the way doctors are trained and recruited appear to be fueling the trend. We look at what the country can do to reverse the problem of medical unevenness.

Takahashi Tai (Professor, International University of Health and Welfare Graduate School)

Air Date: 15 Nov 2024 08:30 (CDT)

S2024E27 - Is My Pension Enough? Risks Awaiting Japanese Women in Retirement

New data shows the average monthly pension for Japanese women is about 300 dollars less than it is for men. Across all generations, women face a greater risk of financial insecurity in retirement. The reasons for this can be attributed to restrictive gender roles in Japanese firms: men are promoted to managerial positions, while women are assigned lower-paying roles so they can focus on home and childcare commitments. As a result, women are forced to accept jobs that offer lower pension benefits. The "pension gap" is turning into a serious social problem as lifespans lengthen and more women choose to live alone. We look at what companies and the government are doing to combat the issue, and how we can ensure we have a comfortable retirement.

Ido Mie (Social Insurance Labor Consultant)
Bo Mioko (Social Development Research Department, NLI Research Institute)

Air Date: 22 Nov 2024 08:30 (CDT)

S2024E28 - A Champion Born from Change: Japan's World-Conquering Go Player

Air Date: 02 Dec 2024 08:30 (CDT)