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Tripper's Day is a British television sitcom produced by Thames Television for ITV. The plot involved Leonard Rossiter as Norman Tripper, a Northern manager assigned to a London supermarket with a problematic staff.The programme is largely remembered for the negative critical reviews it received, and mainly for the fact that it was Rossiter's final television work, the actor dying between the broadcast of the second and third episodes.The series was brought back two years later with Bruce Forsyth in the lead role, under the new title Slinger's Day. In Canada and United States the series had a remake under the title Check it Out! (1985–1988)
TV Show Ended.
S1E4 - Token of Esteem
Hilda's feeling broody, one of the junior staff is demanding a rise, the stock room is flooded, Alf's ill, and the regional manager is due at the store to conduct a routine inspection - just another day in the life of Norman Tripper!
Air Date: 15 Oct 1984 14:00 (CDT)
S1E5 - Alarms and Diversions
The store's burglar alarm keeps going off - every hour, on the hour, in fact. Threatened with arrest for wasting police time, Tripper deactivates the alarm and spends the night on guard in his office. Meanwhile, the one-member union is on strike, and the store welcomes its millionth customer.
Air Date: 22 Oct 1984 14:00 (CDT)
S1E6 - Vatman and Robbin
Tax inspectors turn up to audit the store's accounts, but with the discovery of a suspicious package in the store Tripper has bigger things to worry about!
Air Date: 29 Oct 1984 14:00 (CDT)