
Wasteland next episode air date poster

Paramount+ (US)



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The world's wealthiest nation hides a problem you've never thought about, but can no longer ignore. Too much waste, and an inadequate way to clean it up. Failing septic tanks and collapsing sewer lines are shooting raw waste into people's homes. Untreated sewage is poisoning rivers and polluting coastlines. Wasteland examines how we got here, and whether overproduction of waste, and a crumbling infrastructure can keep up, before the problem blows up in our faces.

Wasteland Next Episode Air Date

There is no Next Episode of Wasteland planned.

List of episodes

S1E1 - Alabama

Yamaguchi reports on parts of the country where a basic sanitation infrastructure is out of reach for tens of thousands of residents forcing them to live near raw sewage.

Air Date: 24 Feb 2022 06:00 (CDT)

S1E2 - New York

Yamaguchi visits Mt. Vernon, N.Y., a town in the shadow of New York City, surrounded by wealth, and overwhelmed by a decrepit sewage system that threatens to swallow it whole.

Air Date: 24 Feb 2022 06:00 (CDT)

S1E3 - Florida

Yamaguchi reports from the Florida coasts, where breakneck development, climate change and too much waste are creating a perfect environmental storm.

Air Date: 24 Feb 2022 06:00 (CDT)

S1E4 - Iowa

Yamaguchi explores how big farmers in Iowa produce far more pig waste than the environment can handle. As a result, the waste is getting into the waterways and may be impacting residents' health.

Air Date: 24 Feb 2022 06:00 (CDT)