
Comedy | Children

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“Xchange” was a children’s’ program that aired every Tuesday at 7:30 AM (UK Time). Repeats of the show would air the same day at 1 PM and again at 4:30 PM.

The show premiered on Tuesday, 2 April 2002 and began airing at 7:00 AM for 30 minutes, it moved to a 7:25 starting time but it was later moved up 5 minutes. The 7:30 AM show aired live and was interactive. The series would show the lives, hobbies and interests of the children all over the UK. It was mostly a Comedy series but with commentary, competitions, entertainment, games, music and sports.

1 person comes with their friend into the studio after they get 1000 xid points and participates in games like “Breakfast in Bed” and “Snot Me”. Celebrities would often make surprise guest appearances. The final episode of the series aired on Friday, 31 March 2006.

Xchange Next Episode Air Date

TV Show Canceled/Ended.

List of episodes

S1E1 - Episode dated 2 April 2002 (Premiere)

Air Date: 02 Apr 2002 01:30 (CDT)

S4E13 - Episode dated 31 March 2006 (Final episode)

Air Date: 31 Mar 2006 01:30 (CDT)