XCW Wrestling

Drama | Action | Family

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Returning Series


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XCW (Xtreme Championship Wrestling) is the newest wrestling organization on the scene today. This independent wrestling organization has it’s headquarters in Denton, Texas. On 14 February 2006 they began airing “XCW Wrestling” on the MavTV network that airs on limited cable networks and satellite providers. MavTV is a new network in the vain of Spike TV and their tagline is “Created by Men for Men”. The network launched its’ 24-hour broadcast programming on 1 October 2004 and has been growing by leaps and bound ever since. XCW is a old ECW (Extreme Championship Wrestling) rip-off or copy cat with flying chairs and tables, chains and real blood. Most of the wrestlers on this organizations’ roster are no-name up and comers trying to make a living for themselves and their family and maybe become a well known personality sometime down the line.

XCW Wrestling Next Episode Air Date

There is no Next Episode of XCW Wrestling planned.