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If you want to add TV Shows information to your website or app then you've come to the right place!
We provide a fast and clean REST API that's easy to use, returns JSON. The root url is and the available endpoints are documented below.
A complete list of Most Popular TV Shows. TV Shows are returned in descending order and contain the basic information about them.
Search through all the shows in our database by the show's name. A fuzzy algorithm is used, meaning that shows will be found even if your query contains small typos. Results are returned in order of name and contain the basic information about show.
Retrieve all information for a given show.
To get TV Show details, use permalink or ID of the show. All air dates are retrieved in GMT timezone.
Use of the API is licensed by CC BY-SA. This means the data can freely be used for any purpose, as long as is properly credited as source. You can do this by linking back to from within your application or website, for example using the URLs available in the API.
If you have any questions about this API, or have some special requirements, please contact us at or using Contact form.
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