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The aimless pleasure loving son of a rich and powerful Russian arrested for street racing through Moscow's streets while high on drugs. To avoid a lengthy sentence his father pulls strings and as a last resort he is sent to work with the police for a year, with on-the-job training - or be disinherited. Conflicts arise from day one as the police are resentful of the rich boy dumped in their tight knit unit, he does not take regular work seriously and he finds his Corvette regularly vandalized. To make things worse, his superior officer is a woman. Eventually he begins to settle down, find police work rewarding, and very slowly begins build rapport with the other officers. There is tension with a romantic triangle between him, the female Captain and another officer, and a sub plot as he tries to find out the truth about his mother's apparent suicide.

Genres: Crime | Drama
Station: Первый канал (RU)
Rating: 0/10 from 0 users
Status: Running
Start: 2014-12-15

Мажор Air Dates

Jul 30, 2022

S04E05 - Серия 45 Air Date: Jul 30, 2022 12:00 - 3 years ago

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Waking up at the scene of the murder of Pryanikov, Igor in shock hides from the scene of the crime, realizing that he was first outstripped, exactly the one who is guilty of the death of Anya Rodionova. He asks the cleaner to call the police. Sokolovsky comes to Vanya, but he hands him over to the police, but Major manages to escape. Ignatiev, meanwhile, is trying to cash out a large amount. Igor intercepts the money and arranges with Ignatiev to meet at a construction site.But the partners will not be able to talk, because someone pushes Ignatiev off the roof of a high-rise building Igor, with the help of Katya, again manages to escape from the police.

Aug 06, 2022

S04E06 - Серия 46 Air Date: Aug 06, 2022 12:00 - 3 years ago

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Katya and Igor manage to escape from the police and start their own investigation together. Meanwhile, Sonya is in an orphanage. Katya and Igor's investigation leads to the service station where Vanya works. Sokolovsky understands and this time guesses that it is Vanya who is the killer. Igor records the conversation on the phone and miraculously manages to escape again from the arriving policemen. Katya brings Igor home, he loses consciousness. By this time, Zheka, having figured out Igor's address, breaks into the apartment.

Aug 13, 2022

S04E07 - Серия 47 Air Date: Aug 13, 2022 12:00 - 3 years ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Vanya at Pryanikov's grave asks Zheka to jail Sokolovsky for the murders he committed. The detained Sokolovsky is interrogated by the investigator Kovtun and Averyanov. Igor, being in the detention center, with the help of Vika, remembers a very important detail regarding the murder of Pryanikov and asks Zheka to check on Vanya, who, meanwhile, together with Lyuba, takes Sonya from the orphanage and is going to leave with her. The police are trying to figure out the case and find inconsistencies in the drugs that Major uses. Thus, everything points to Luba. Zhenya finds her bloodied with a throat wound, Katya sits next to her. It turns out that Valery Simonenko is alive.

Aug 20, 2022

S04E08 - Серия 48 Air Date: Aug 20, 2022 12:00 - 3 years ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Valery Simonenko deliberately staged his own death. Luba and Vanya helped him throughout the whole time, they were "pawns" in his insidious plan. Meanwhile, in the city there is a raid on Sokolovsky, Katya and Averyanov. Together they now guess that the killer is none other than Simonenko, who took Sonya hostage. Averyanov shows the course of events Kovtun. Major, Katya and Vanya join forces. The capture of Simonenko takes place in a country house, as a result, Katya dies protecting Sonya, thereby expiating her guilt before Vika's death. Simonenko is detained. Sonya stays with Sokolovsky. 

Next Episode of Мажор is


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