When will be Минутное дело next episode air date? Is Минутное дело renewed or cancelled? Where to countdown Минутное дело air dates? Is Минутное дело worth watching?

The new entertainment show! Can take part in all, regardless of age and gender - the main thing that you were a married couple. Performing an impromptu set, you can win one million rubles! To win the grand prize, participants will have to try hard. Applicants need to do to win nine tasks on each of which is given 60 seconds. Passage of each stage will win some money.

The content of assignments will not be a secret for the participants - you can train anywhere: on the street, at home, at work. However, to perform all the tasks under the TV cameras, in front of the whole country is not so easy! To meet the challenge, players need speed, agility, a steady hand and a considerable delay. No turning back would be: at the disposal of participants in just one minute, which flies very fast! Anyone who can not cope with the task in the allotted time, will have to leave the project.
During the game, participants will be able to use three auxiliary options, each of which is burned after use, replace the contest to replace a player or take the extra thirty seconds. As you progress through the task will be complicated, so to reach the last stage only the strongest! At any time you can stop the game and take the money earned. But if the party agreed to take the next trial and lost, then the whole amount consumed.

At the final stage of the competition the player must pass the test of "safe cracker" and pick-earned money! (Source: Russia 1)

Genres: Family
Station: Россия-1 (RU)
Rating: 0/10 from 0 users
Status: New Series
Start: Nov/17/2012

Минутное дело Air Dates

Nov 17, 2012

S01E01 - Pilot Air Date: Nov 17, 2012 10:00 - 12 years ago

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Next Episode of Минутное дело is


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