When will be Большая опера next episode air date? Is Большая опера renewed or cancelled? Where to countdown Большая опера air dates? Is Большая опера worth watching?

The Big Opera is an unprecedented TV competition for young singers organized by Russia-Kultura TV Channel. The Big Opera Project is the only professional TV competition for young opera singers. The main goal of the project is to reveal the new names of talented vocalists and help them to gain fame.

Genres: Music
Station: Россия Культура (RU)
Rating: 0/10 from 0 users
Status: Running
Start: 2011-10-09

Большая опера Air Dates

Dec 07, 2019

S06E06 - Выпуск 6 — Любовь, измена, страсти Air Date: Dec 07, 2019 07:40 - 5 years ago

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Dec 14, 2019

S06E07 - Выпуск 7 — Все о Фигаро, или Оперы на сюжеты Бомарше Air Date: Dec 14, 2019 07:30 - 5 years ago

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Dec 21, 2019

S06E08 - Выпуск 8 — Арии из опер XX века Air Date: Dec 21, 2019 07:30 - 5 years ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Dec 28, 2019

S06E09 - Выпуск 9 — Финал и Гала-концерт Air Date: Dec 28, 2019 06:30 - 5 years ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Next Episode of Большая опера is


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