When will be A Wild Dog’s Tale next episode air date? Is A Wild Dog’s Tale renewed or cancelled? Where to countdown A Wild Dog’s Tale air dates? Is A Wild Dog’s Tale worth watching?

This is the story of Solo, a lonely African wild dog that has befriended a number of jackals and hyenas in the Okavango Delta. Solo has helped the jackals raise their pups as if they were her own. So strong is her desire for her own offspring that Solo kidnaps the young pups, preventing their parents from getting near. The pups love Solo: she feeds, grooms and protects them. But when a pack of wild dogs appears, Solo must make a choice -- stay with her adopted family or join her own kind. (Source: National Geographic Wild)

Genres: Drama | Mystery | Adventure | Family | Outdoors/Wildlife
Station: NAT GEO WILD (US)
Rating: 0/10 from 0 users
Status: New Series
Start: Mar/31/2013

A Wild Dog’s Tale Air Dates

Apr 01, 2013

S01E01 - SPECIAL! Air Date: Apr 01, 2013 02:00 - 12 years ago

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