When will be Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor next episode air date? Is Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor renewed or cancelled? Where to countdown Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor air dates? Is Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor worth watching?

Our flagship 30-minute program features the very best of Pastor Doug Batchelor and Amazing Facts programs. Explore the Bible like never before and get practical guidance on Christian living, prophecy, and more. You will find the Bible's answers to all your questions about life on Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor.

Station: TBN (US)
Rating: 0/10 from 0 users
Status: Running
Start: 2018-01-21

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Season 3 Air Dates

S03E01 - Death Delusions Air Date: 22 January 2017 12:30 -

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S03E02 - How Did We Get Here? (UP) Air Date: 27 January 2017 06:00 -

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Where did we come from? Were we created by God, or did we evolve from random particles after a big bang? Explosions typically do not create organization, order and design.

S03E03 - Inside the Lost Ark Air Date: 29 January 2017 12:00 -

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The greatest treasure inside the ark was God's word, which we have today in the Bible. We are not saved by the law, but it is through knowing the law that we know what sin is. Laws do not restrict our freedom, they protect our freedom.

S03E04 - Together For Life Pt.2 Air Date: 13 February 2017 06:00 -

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Marriage is the sacred, foundational institution for society.

Next Episode of Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor is


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