Next Episode of American Horror Story is
American Horror Story is an American horror television series created and produced by Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk. Described as an anthology series, each season is conceived as a self-contained miniseries, following a disparate set of characters and settings, and a storyline with its own "beginning, middle, and end."
The first season, subsequently subtitled Murder House, takes place in Los Angeles, California during the year 2011 and centers on a family that moves into a house haunted by its deceased former occupants. The second season, subtitled Asylum, takes place in Massachusetts during the year 1964 and follows the stories of the inhabitants of an institution for the criminally insane. The third season, subtitled Coven, takes place in New Orleans, Louisiana during the year 2013 and follows a coven of witches who face off against those who wish to destroy them. The fourth season, subtitled Freak Show, takes place in Jupiter, Florida during the year 1952 and centers around one of the few remaining American freak shows. The fifth season, subtitled Hotel, will premiere in October 2015. (source:
After discovering her unique bloodline, a young girl is whisked away to a special academy for girls who share the same lineage.
Fiona threatens a long-standing peace when she delves into Madame LaLaurie's past, while Zoe and Madison must deal with a horrible tragedy.
Fiona takes on an unlikely protégé. A guilt-ridden Zoe tries to give Kyle his old life back. Madison has a fiery exchange with Joan Ramsey, a new neighbor.
Fiona's choices rattle a decades-long truce between the Salem witches and Marie Laveau. The Council of Witchcraft pays a surprise visit to the Academy with disturbing allegations.
Besieged by Marie Laveau's army, Zoe unleashes a new power. Fiona and Myrtle clash over control of the Coven. Madame LaLaurie is confronted by old ghosts.
Zoe, Queenie, and Nan make contact with a dark spirit trapped in the Academy. Cordelia's new power brings on a heartbreaking revelation.
Fiona finds new purpose in a dangerous love affair. A night out with LaLaurie leads Queenie to question her place in the Coven. Cordelia makes a fateful decision about her mother.
Cordelia rallies the girls in the fight to stop Fiona. A dangerous new enemy puts Misty in the crosshairs. The rivalry between Marie Laveau and Delphine comes to a head.
Cordelia's attacker is revealed. Fiona looks to form an alliance with Marie Laveau. Nan learns a disturbing truth about Luke's past.
Fiona attempts to out the new Supreme with a visit from Stevie Nicks. Cordelia learns the truth about Hank and the Witch Hunters. Madison tries to eliminate her competition for the Supremacy.
Fiona and Laveau have a deadly face off with The Corporation. Cordelia makes a desperate sacrifice to protect the Coven.
Cordelia's latest vision puts the Coven's future in question. With the end of Fiona's reign approaching, the girls manifest powerful new gifts. Queenie's search for Marie Laveau leads her to Hell and back.
A new Supreme rises.
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