When will be Battleground: Rhino Wars next episode air date? Is Battleground: Rhino Wars renewed or cancelled? Where to countdown Battleground: Rhino Wars air dates? Is Battleground: Rhino Wars worth watching?

The world renowned Greater Kruger area of South Africa, just north of Johannesburg, is the new ground zero in a war to protect magnificent creatures on the edge of extinction. Rhinoceroses are being hunted to death by poachers who will stop at nothing to kill them just to take their horns. The death toll is astonishing; last year alone, nearly 700 rhinos were killed with baby rhinos and calves separated from their mothers and left to fend on their own. The human toll too is steep. More than 100 park rangers have been killed by these poachers in the battle to halt these criminals. The situation is worsening. Park rangers and security forces are desperate for help. And now four U.S. Special Forces veterans have come to help fight for the rhinos. (Source: Animal Planet)

Genres: Crime | Drama | Action | Family | Outdoors/Wildlife
Station: Animal Planet (US)
Rating: 6/10 from 2 users
Status: New Series
Start: Mar/07/2013

Battleground: Rhino Wars Air Dates

Mar 08, 2013

S01E01 - Bring in the Big Guns (Pilot) Air Date: Mar 08, 2013 02:00 - 12 years ago
Mar 15, 2013

S01E02 - Playing with Fire Air Date: Mar 15, 2013 02:00 - 12 years ago
Mar 22, 2013

S01E03 - Hell to Pay Air Date: Mar 22, 2013 02:00 - 12 years ago

Next Episode of Battleground: Rhino Wars is


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