Next Episode of Беременна в 16 | Мама в 16 is
Season 10 / Episode 4 and airs on Mar 19, 2025 06:00
This project is about the fate of teenage girls who became pregnant at the age of sixteen and faced adult problems: the condemnation of relatives and friends, financial difficulties and "swings" in the relationship with the father of the child.We will show the unique story of each participant. The project will reveal what is usually hidden from the camera lens and kept secret from everyone.
Ksyusha is 16 years old, the youngest, spoiled and favorite daughter in a large family. She forgives everything: and night out with girlfriends, and bad grades, and relationships with 24-year-old Zhenya. Ksyusha saw in him a real prince: handsome, hardworking, affectionate. To such a guy is not taken away, Ksyusha decided to move to him. Except that it turned out that Zhenya likes to drink, after which he does not control himself at all. Not once Ksyusha had to leave in bruises and tears ... After another quarrel she thought to break with Zhenya, but could not, because the test showed 2 stripes ...
Zhenya is 16 years old and her whole life is about moving around. Her parents are constantly changing cities in search of new jobs, so the girl has already lost count of how many schools she has attended. More than anything else in the world she dreamed of getting an education, earn good money and settle down somewhere, not denying herself anything. Therefore, when in her life appeared a grown-up and wealthy Maxim, Zhenya was over the moon with happiness. It seemed that all her dreams were about to come true, but suddenly she found out that she was pregnant....
Snezhana is 16 years old, and her mother is in charge of her whole life. Since the age of three, she has been raising her to be a figure skating champion, so Snezhana could only dream of ordinary girlhood joys, such as dates and walks with her friends. At 14, the girl rebelled - said that she quit sports and school after 9th grade, and goes to the school of models. There was a loud scandal, but eventually her mother agreed that the profession of modeling - not a bad prospect. But only on it had to put a cross, because Snezhana is pregnant....
Maya is 16 and a difficult child. Her relationship with her mother is a series of scandals and mutual reproaches, neither understanding nor domestic warmth is out of the question. The girl found solace in the arms of Andrew - attentive, gentle and, as it seemed, promising musician. With him Maya wanted everything - and love to the grave, and a family, and many children ...
And here are the long-awaited two stripes! Maya was happy, but she didn't know yet that Andrei's creativity has a dark side, which will cross out all her dreams and will greatly affect the fate of the baby....
Sofya is 17 years old, and because of her father's lack of love, she has been trying to attract attention all her life. First she shocked her fellow villagers with colored dreadlocks, then with tattoos, and recently with pregnancy... The father was a nice guy who lived next door. At first it seemed to Sofia that he was the ideal. Caring, affectionate, attentive, ready for her to do real manly things. But during the pregnancy it turned out that he was capable of other, less pleasant things.....
Polina is 16, and all her life she dreams of a full-fledged family. As a child, her mother taught her self-defense, so that the girl could protect herself from the beatings of her drunken father... and then her mother got drunk. In the whole world Paulie has only 2 close people left: a friend Christina and her older brother Maxim, with whom the girl has an affair. Only Maxim's mother is against this relationship, she forbade Kristina to be friends with Paula, and when she found out about the pregnancy, she declared the girl an enemy No. 1....
Vika is 15 years old and she always thought that the main man in her life is her father. She didn't look at guys, because her father said that she was a little princess and deserved the best. So Kostya, who did not look like a prince, had been in a friendzone for 2 years. But everything changed overnight: the guys celebrated the New Year together and realized that they were in love. And a couple of months later, another night turned everything upside down - Vika got pregnant. And Dad thinks it was seduction....
Masha is 16 years old, she has always been an activist, a good student and an exemplary daughter. But despite all her efforts, her relationship with her mother does not work out - she is only interested in her lessons, not in what Masha has in her heart. And there Sasha - the first love! And the first intimacy, which turned into pregnancy... And even then, instead of words of support, Masha heard a threatening: "Let's go to the abortion!".
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