When will be Биографии next episode air date? Is Биографии renewed or cancelled? Where to countdown Биографии air dates? Is Биографии worth watching?

Genres: Comedy | Sports
Station: YouTube (RU)
Rating: 0/10 from 0 users
Status: Running
Start: 2022-02-07

Биографии Season 1 Air Dates

S01E01 - Златан Ибрагимович | Кражи велосипедов, обиды на Месси Air Date: 07 February 2022 00:00 -

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S01E02 - Алекс Фергюсон | Борьба с Ливерпулем, продажа Роналду, конфликт с Бекхэмом Air Date: 11 February 2022 00:00 -

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S01E03 - Зинедин Зидан | Почему он великий? Air Date: 10 March 2022 00:00 -

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S01E04 - Андрес Иньеста | Депрессия, травмы, любовь всей Испании Air Date: 17 March 2022 00:00 -

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S01E05 - Франческо Тотти | Император Рима Air Date: 02 April 2022 00:00 -

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S01E06 - Джейми Варди | Из ниоткуда Air Date: 16 April 2022 00:00 -

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S01E07 - Луис Суарес | В гостях Павел Дедищев Air Date: 30 April 2022 00:00 -

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S01E08 - Килиан Мбаппе | В гостях Антон Шастун Air Date: 14 May 2022 00:00 -

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S01E09 - Жозе Моуринью | В гостях Евгений Чебатков Air Date: 28 May 2022 00:00 -

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S01E10 - Тьерри Анри | В гостях Руслан Белый Air Date: 16 June 2022 00:00 -

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S01E11 - Андреа Пирло | Думаю — значит, играю! Air Date: 14 July 2022 00:00 -

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S01E12 - МАККОНАХИ | Работа уборщиком, драка с аборигенами, безумный отец Air Date: 09 August 2022 00:00 -

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Actor, producer, director, screenwriter, Oscar winner for Best Actor Matthew McConaughey. Today Stakhovich will tell the best stories from his autobiography "Green Light!": exuberant youth, career twists, relationships with parents, an interesting approach to life and much more.

S01E13 - Олег Романцев | Квадраты Спартака, драки в Красноярске. Почему больше не тренирует? Air Date: 17 August 2022 00:00 -

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S01E14 - УИЛЛ СМИТ | Ранний взлет, Проблемы с законом, Сложности в семье Air Date: 22 August 2022 00:00 -

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Today Dmitry Pozov will tell you about an incredible actor, director, hip-hop artist, winner of the Academy Awards, BAFTA, Golden Globe, Grammy and many others. Today there will be the best stories from his autobiography "Will": An early rise, the loss of everything due to non-payment of taxes, incredible dating, hip-hop career, difficult relationships of parents and much more.

S01E15 - МАЙК ТАЙСОН | Величие, тюрьма, зависимости Air Date: 06 September 2022 00:00 -

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Today Kos will tell you the story of one of the most (if not the most!) ambiguous characters in the history of sports, the heavyweight boxing champion of the world, a member of the boxing Hall of Fame Mike Tyson. Today you will plunge into the world of his autobiography "Merciless Truth" and find out what life path Iron Mike went through, how many mistakes he made and what it cost him.

S01E16 - Стивен Джеррард | Роковая ошибка, депрессия, провалы со сборной Air Date: 07 September 2022 00:00 -

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S01E17 - Дидье Дрогба | Вождь Нации, контракт за бутсы, проклятье ЛЧ Air Date: 14 September 2022 00:00 -

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S01E18 - ТАРАНТИНО | Дислексия, Уникальный вкус, Жестокость в кино Air Date: 20 September 2022 00:00 -

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The Emir is visiting us today! He has read the biography and will tell you about the life of one of the brightest and most iconic Hollywood directors - Quentin Tarantino! You will learn about the path of his personality formation, the formation of tastes and the best stories related to his paintings. Enjoy your meal!

S01E19 - Лука Модрич | Сложное детство, победы в Лиге чемпионов, ЧМ в России, Золотой мяч Air Date: 28 September 2022 00:00 -

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S01E20 - Мафия ФИФА. Футбол вне закона | Как покупают чемпионаты мира? Air Date: 13 October 2022 00:00 -

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Today is an unusual issue. Dima Pozov read Thomas Skinner's book "FIFA Mafia. Football is illegal", which tells the incredible money frauds of the main football organization in the world. BE CAREFUL, after this release, you may be disappointed in football.

S01E21 - Месут Озил | Ограбления, суд с отцом, эмиграция Air Date: 26 October 2022 00:00 -

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Today it's Mesut Ozil and his "Autobiography". The unwillingness of the whole family to learn German, the fear of robberies, a crazy father who ruined his career and much more!

S01E22 - Марадона | Гол рукой, Любовь Неаполя, ЧМ-86 Air Date: 10 March 2023 00:00 -

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Today it is the great Diego Armando Maradona and his autobiography about the period of the World Cup-86 and beyond. You will learn how Maradona became an inspiration for the Argentine national team, what he thinks about his hand goal, as well as his goal, which became the best goal in the history of the World Cup and much more.

S01E23 - ДЖЕКИ ЧАН | Смертельные трюки, Личная жизнь, Вклад в кино Air Date: 22 March 2023 00:00 -

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Today it is an action movie legend that a whole generation has grown up with. Jackie Chan and his biography "I am happy". Dima Pozov will tell the stories behind the creation of Jackie's most dangerous tricks, as well as how these adventures sometimes ended. We will find out what kind of actor Jackie Chan is, reflect on his legacy and try to understand what kind of person he is.

S01E24 - Секретный футболист | Истории из раздевалок АПЛ Air Date: 07 April 2023 00:00 -

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Today it is a secret player from the English Premier League. In this issue, we will discuss the inner workings of the Premier League, try to understand how the football world works in England and guess what kind of player it is. Join now!

S01E25 - NIKE | История компании, рассказанная ее основателем Air Date: 21 April 2023 00:00 -

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S01E26 - Русская пятерка | Скандал, Феномен НХЛ, Автокатастрофа Air Date: 04 May 2023 00:00 -

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Today it is the legends of the NHL and Detroit - the famous "Russian Five"! Fetisov, Konstantinov, Larionov, Fedorov and Kozlov - these names remain in the memory of Detroit Red Wings fans for a long time. Today Dmitry Pozov will tell you the history of the formation of the Russian five, the ups and downs of their court and the features of their contribution to world hockey!

S01E27 - ХЬЮ ХЕФНЕР | История Playboy, вклад в культуру, скандалы Air Date: 10 May 2023 00:00 -

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Today it is Hugh Hefner - the basis of the legendary Playboy magazine. Lekha Saprykin will talk about Hefner's personality, his contribution to consumer culture and the sexual revolution. 

S01E28 - ПРИНЦ ГАРРИ "SPARE" | В пересказе англичанина Air Date: 31 May 2023 00:00 -

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Today is a special release. We invited a guest to visit us and asked to read the autobiography of Prince Harry "SPARE" in the English version of the real Briton Jordan. Jordan is also fluent in Russian, so we will hear the main stories of this sensational book from his lips with a pleasant accent. We will also find out the attitude of a British citizen to this book and to what is happening around the royal family. Get comfortable.

S01E29 - Коби Брайант | The mamba mentality Air Date: 02 June 2023 00:00 -

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Today Igor Dzhabrailov and the book "The Mamba mentality" by Kobe Bryant are with us. The book of a basketball player whose highlights and style of play made a huge number of boys around the world fall in love with basketball. We will talk about the principles of life and training of one of the greatest athletes, whose life, unfortunately, was so tragically cut short.

S01E30 - ОЗЗИ ОСБОРН | "Все, что мне удалось вспомнить" Air Date: 21 June 2023 00:00 -

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Today it's the dark lord - Ozzy Osbourne and his autobiography "I Am Ozzy". The book tells about the incredible twists and turns in the life of the heavy rock legend. Ozzy's life journey is very rich and full of real madness! That's why we will only find out what he managed to remember. So, sit back and get comfortable.

S01E31 - Роналдо | Женщины, Травмы колена, Черная магия Air Date: 22 June 2023 00:00 -

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Today it's Ronaldo Luís Nazário de Lima, commonly known as "The Tooth". He is considered one of the greatest football talents and one of the phenomena of Brazilian football. Roman Kozitsyn will tell the story of the great striker's complex destiny, marked by dizzying ascents and equally dizzying falls.

S01E32 - ДЭННИ ТРЕХО | Тюрьмы, Зависимости, Голливуд Air Date: 12 July 2023 00:00 -

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S01E33 - Уйэн Гретцки | "99" Air Date: 20 July 2023 00:00 -

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Today it is the greatest hockey player of all time Wayne Gretzky and his autobiography "99". Poz will talk about the athlete who broke 61 NHL records, signing a 21-year contract, his Belarusian roots and simply the best game of his life.

S01E34 - СТИВЕН ХОКИНГ | "Быть Хокингом" Air Date: 02 August 2023 00:00 -

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Today it is the English theoretical physicist - Stephen Hawking and his autobiography "Being Hawking". Sapyor will tell about the life of the great scientist, about his rather unusual personal life, and also reveal the cause of his serious illness. Get comfortable.

S01E35 - ЛЕННИ КРАВИЦ | "Пусть правит любовь" Air Date: 03 August 2023 00:00 -

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Today, Lenny Kravitz is one of the most vibrant and unique musicians on the Western stage, and his autobiography is titled "Let Love Rule." The book will tell the story of a person whose life has always been full of contrasts and extremes, the formation of a true style icon, and life in 1970s New York.

S01E36 - Шакил О'Нил | Шак Непобежденный Air Date: 24 August 2023 00:00 -

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Today, this is the legendary and incredibly charismatic basketball player Shaquille O'Neal. Alexey Stakhovich will tell all about one of the greatest basketball players on the planet.

S01E37 - ЧАРЛИ ЧАПЛИН | "Моя удивительная жизнь" Air Date: 27 September 2023 00:00 -

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In this issue, the most famous representative of silent cinema, actor and director, who changed the attitude towards comedy on the big screens - Charlie Chaplin and his autobiography "My Amazing Life". Stakh will talk about a man who made the audience fall in love with him with every appearance on stage or in the frame, about whether he can be considered the father of comedy and about his famous image of the Tramp.

S01E38 - Лев Яшин | "Счастье трудных побед" Air Date: 06 October 2023 00:00 -

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S01E39 - LINKIN PARK | "На шаг ближе: от Xero до группы №1" Air Date: 18 October 2023 00:00 -

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S01E40 - РОБИН УИЛЬЯМС | "Грустный комик, который заставил мир смеяться" Air Date: 08 November 2023 00:00 -

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S01E41 - Тони Хоук | "Профессия: Скейтер" Air Date: 09 November 2023 00:00 -

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S01E42 - МЭТТЬЮ ПЕРРИ | "Друзья, любимые и одна большая ужасная вещь" Air Date: 29 November 2023 00:00 -

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S01E43 - ФРЕДДИ МЕРКЬЮРИ | "QUEEN. Фредди Меркьюри" Air Date: 13 December 2023 00:00 -

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S01E44 - Йохан Кройф | "Моя жизнь" Air Date: 14 December 2023 00:00 -

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S01E45 - МОНТИ ПАЙТОН | "Питоны о Питонах" Air Date: 10 January 2024 00:00 -

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S01E46 - ИЛЬЯ ОЛЕЙНИКОВ | "Жизнь как песТня или Всё через Жё" Air Date: 24 January 2024 00:00 -

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S01E47 - Клуб | Как АПЛ стала самой дикой, богатой и разрушительной силой в спорте Air Date: 30 January 2024 00:00 -

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S01E48 - ЮРИЙ НИКУЛИН | "Почти серьезно" Air Date: 29 February 2024 00:00 -

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S01E49 - Питер Крауч | «Каково быть футболистом» Air Date: 26 March 2024 00:00 -

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S01E50 - Петер Шмейхель | «№1. Моя автобиография» Air Date: 19 April 2024 00:00 -

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S01E51 - ДЖОН РОМЕРО | «Икона DOOM. Жизнь от первого лица» Air Date: 20 May 2024 00:00 -

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S01E52 - КРИСТОФЕР НОЛАН | «Фильмы, загадки и чудеса культового режиссера» Air Date: 30 May 2024 00:00 -

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S01E53 - БРИТНИ СПИРС | «Женщина во мне» Air Date: 13 June 2024 00:00 -

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S01E54 - Гвардиола | «На пике» Air Date: 23 July 2024 00:00 -

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S01E55 - Винни Джонс | «Винни» Air Date: 06 August 2024 00:00 -

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S01E56 - ВЕРСАЧЕ | «Автобиография одной итальянской семьи» Air Date: 15 August 2024 00:00 -

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S01E57 - КОМАР И МЕЛАМИД | «Сокрушители канонов» Air Date: 29 August 2024 00:00 -

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S01E58 - ДЖОАН РОУЛИНГ | «Всё о Гарри Поттере, жизни и любви» Air Date: 12 September 2024 00:00 -

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Next Episode of Биографии is


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