When will be Carrie's War next episode air date? Is Carrie's War renewed or cancelled? Where to countdown Carrie's War air dates? Is Carrie's War worth watching?

Carrie and her brother Nick are evacuated to Wales during the Second World War. They stay with the bullying Mr Evans, and his gentle but weak sister, whom they call "Auntie Lou." The children befriend another young evacuee, Albert Sandwich, who is staying with Mr Evans' other sister, the dying Mrs Gotobed. They also befriend Mrs. Gotobed's husband's relative, Mister Johnny who has cerebral palsy, and her housekeeper, Hepzibah. The housekeeper tells the children about a curse on the family which concerns a skull kept in the library. According to the tale, the curse would activate if the skull is removed from the house. Carrie keeps going to look at the skull, even though she did not like the look of it.

Genres: Drama | Children
Station: BBC One (GB)
Rating: 0/10 from 0 users
Status: Ended
Start: 1974-01-28

Carrie's War Air Dates

S01E02 - Episode 2 Air Date: 04 February 1974 17:15 -

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Now staying with the forbidding Councillor Evans and his timid sister Lou, Carrie and Nick are sent out to Druid's Bottom, an old house deep in the woods.

S01E03 - Episode 3 Air Date: 11 February 1974 17:15 -

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Carrie can't understand why Mr Evans is so frightened of Hepzibah Green, or why he hates his sister Mrs Gotobed.

S01E04 - Episode 4 Air Date: 18 February 1974 17:15 -

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Mr Evans has threatened to throw Hepzibah Green out of her home, and Carrie believes it is all her fault. She must warn Hepzibah before it is too late.

S01E05 - Episode 5 Air Date: 25 February 1974 17:15 -

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On the morning they are due to leave, Carrie discovers a new side to Mr Evans - and there's a surprise as they head back to London.

Next Episode of Carrie's War is

not planed. TV Show was canceled.

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