When will be Charmed next episode air date? Is Charmed renewed or cancelled? Where to countdown Charmed air dates? Is Charmed worth watching?

Mel and Maggie Vera suffer a shock when their mother dies suddenly, but before they have time to heal from their loss, another surprise shows up on their doorstep in the shape of an older sister -- brilliant geneticist Macy -- whom their mother never told them existed. The emotional stress takes its toll and the girls begin to exhibit impossible new abilities. An explanation comes from an unexpected place: the new chair of the women's studies department. Harry Greenwood reveals that the three are powerful witches, and he is their whitelighter, there to advise and guide them as they battle dark forces.

Genres: Drama | Mystery | Supernatural
Station: The CW (US)
Rating: 8.46/10 from 48 users
Status: Ended
Start: 2018-10-14

Charmed Air Dates

May 21, 2022

S04E10 - Hashing It Out Air Date: May 21, 2022 00:00 - 3 years ago

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As Mel, Maggie and Kaela are navigating their love lives, The Unseen bring an epic battle to The Charmed Ones'. Roxie seeks Harry's assistance, but his mission uncovers something - and someone - unexpected. 

May 28, 2022

S04E11 - Divine Secrets of the O.G. Sisterhood Air Date: May 28, 2022 00:00 - 3 years ago

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While the Charmed Ones are still reeling from a shocking turn of events, The Unseen have infiltrated every corner of the magical realm and are on the precipice of their plans to destroy the Power of Three forever. 

Jun 04, 2022

S04E12 - Be Kind. Rewind. Air Date: Jun 04, 2022 00:00 - 3 years ago

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An alarming event triggers a drastic change in the magical universe. Only The Charmed Ones, along with Harry and Jordan, can save the world where humankind and magical beings co-exist..but they'll risk their lives in the process.

Jun 11, 2022

S04E13 - The End Is Never the End Air Date: Jun 11, 2022 00:00 - 3 years ago

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Mel, Maggie and Kaela, along with Harry and Jordan, have now discovered that the cabal of foes coalescing to bring down the Power of Three are actually working for an ancient evil that's been laying dormant since the dawn of magic. This powerful dark force -- known as the Lost One -- will be the ultimate test of the strength of the newly discovered sisterhood; forcing them to rekindle their connection..or face the destruction of magic itself.

Next Episode of Charmed is

not planed. TV Show was canceled.

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