When will be Человек-невидимка next episode air date? Is Человек-невидимка renewed or cancelled? Where to countdown Человек-невидимка air dates? Is Человек-невидимка worth watching?

"The Invisible Man" (Russian: Человек-невидимка, romanized: Chelovek-nevidimka) is a show in which experts use their superpowers, look into the future, talk about the past, and reveal the secrets and vices of the program's star guest, who is watching what is happening from a secret room. They have only a few personal items of the guest at their disposal and very little time to find out who is behind the scenes.
The six experts are a criminologist, a palm reader, a psychologist, a magician, a shaman and a fortune teller. Until the last minute they know nothing about the guest, do not see or hear him, and cannot communicate with each other. The mediator between them is the presenter of the program, Evelina Bledans. Only with her does the "invisible man" share his impressions. At the end of the show, the experts must choose a photo of a person sitting in a secret room and say his name.

Station: ТВ-3 (RU)
Rating: 0/10 from 0 users
Status: To Be Determined
Start: 2013-02-08

Человек-невидимка Air Dates

Jun 06, 2024

S15E07 - Выпуск 156. Надежда Ангарская Air Date: Jun 06, 2024 11:30 - 9 months ago

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The guest of the program is singer, actress, TV presenter Nadezhda Angarskaya. Program experts managed to find out who had been suppressing it for many years. How long had she dreamed of children and why was it so difficult for her to become a mother? Who is threatening her and will anyone be able to protect her?

Jun 13, 2024

S15E08 - Выпуск 157. Михаил Полицеймако Air Date: Jun 13, 2024 11:30 - 9 months ago

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Guest of the program is theater and film actor Mikhail Polizeimako. He became the "Invisible Man" for the second time. Many predictions came true. Now the program experts have managed to find out which woman will make his career go up? What message from the other world did he receive through the sorcerer? What shocked the hero so much?

Jun 20, 2024

S15E09 - Выпуск 158. Ольга Серябкина Air Date: Jun 20, 2024 11:30 - 9 months ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Guest of the program is singer Olga Seryabkina. The program experts managed to find out who is jealous of its popularity? Who should she be afraid of? Why is it often given? And what will the spirit from the other world warn about?

Jun 27, 2024

S15E10 - Выпуск 159. Игорь Жижикин Air Date: Jun 27, 2024 11:15 - 9 months ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Guest of the program is actor Igor Zhizhikin. He is proud of his fame in Hollywood. And he openly talks about his romances with movie stars. The program's experts managed to find out who bullied him as a child. Why is he unlucky in love? Which is why he is still lonely. And because of whom can he not be with his only son?

Next Episode of Человек-невидимка is


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