When will be Чужие деньги next episode air date? Is Чужие деньги renewed or cancelled? Where to countdown Чужие деньги air dates? Is Чужие деньги worth watching?

The brilliant cash-out Alexey Voronov goes on the run. Fearing persecution, he decides to plant a "drop" in his place, Yura Afanasyev, a provincial loser who is the spitting image of Voronov himself. However, the perfect plan gets out of control: Voronov gets a bullet in the head, and Afanasyev is saved by Alexey's security, who mistake him for their boss.In a spacious apartment, at meetings, in bed with his girlfriend Alina – now Afanasyev will have to take someone else's place, become a different person and master the skills of a brilliant swindler from scratch, escape from the sights of criminal structures, corrupt officials and security forces. And finally get the luxurious life he always dreamed of.

Station: Иви (RU)
Rating: 0/10 from 0 users
Status: In Development
Start: -unknown-

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