Next Episode of Days of Our Lives is
Season 2024 / Episode 234 and airs on 21 November 2024 17:00
Days of our Lives is set in the fictitious Midwestern town of Salem. The core families are the Bradys, the Hortons and the DiMeras, and the multi-layered storylines involve elements of romance, adventure, mystery, comedy and drama.Beginning on September 12, 2022, DAYS became exclusive to streaming on Peacock.
NYE is rung in with kisses. Â Â The party is shocked to see "Hope's" guest. Â Kristen attacks Nicole & tells Brady she wants him back. Â Eli, Lani & Gabi square off. Â
Ciara supports Ben on the day of his final appeal. Â Kayla has a confusing dream. Â Hattie grills "Steve". Â Xander and Victor discuss Ciara's snooping. Â Rafe tells Roman his concerns about Kate and Roman sees proof in her interactions with Kate and Hattie. "Steve" tells Kayla he's in love with another woman.
Ciara's confrontation with Victor takes a stunning turn! Â Xander pays Ben a visit. Â "Hope" fires Rafe. Â "Steve" tells Kayla that the man she knew is gone, and that he's in love with another woman. Â Sonny and Evan discuss Will and Ben. Rafe tells them he's adopting David. Â Sonny & Evan kiss.Â
Kristen uses Gabi to get what she wants. Â Xander accuses Ciara of harming Victor. Â Gabi threatens to kill Julie. Eli goes to confront Lani. Â Gabi & Kristen work out a deal. Â Xander informs and comforts Maggie. Â Ciara cries to a comatose Victor about Ben. John lets Brady know about Victor and Brady goes to the hospital. Â Julie and JJ talk.Â
Lani confides in JJ, who offers his help. Â John offers support to Brady. Â Kristen informs Nicole about her new job title - Nicole taunts Kristen by saying that she and Brady are together. Â Gabi gets defensive when Eli tells her Lani blamed her. Â Kate scolds Will for not fighting for his marriage, while Sonny and Evan kiss. Â Sonny and Evan discuss their future. Â
Jack rips into "Steve" and is perplexed by his brother's behavior. Â Nicole breaks the news to Brady about their new coworker. Â Justin and Ciara exchange updates on Victor & Ben. Â Kristen tells Chad she is stringing Gabi along. Nicole & Brady rub their "relationship" in Kristen's face. Â
Ciara delivers bad news to Ben. Â Victor & Xander talk. John and "Hope" discuss Stefano. Â Marlena and Kayla talk. Â "Steve" visits Kristen. Â Clyde offers Ben his assistance. Â Â
Ciara is blown away when Xander and Victor's secret is revealed. Â Kristen rejects "Steve's" big reveal. Â Clyde suggests he and Ben break out of jail. Â Clyde derides Ben for thinking Ciara's teen sleuthing will free him. Â Chad and Gabi discuss Ben. Â Will is sad.
Eli proposes to Gabi! Â Jack and Jennifer discuss her new piece for The Spectator. Lani moves in with JJ. Â Kristen struggles with "Steve's reveal". Â Chad asks Kate to sell her stock. Â Abigail shows up to Kristen's room. Â
Gina and Stefano devise a new plot to break up John and Marlena. Â "Steve" visits Rafe. Â Gabi has a nightmare. Â Abe is shocked at Eli's revelations. JJ tells Lani he'll stop Gabi. John tries to reassure Marlena. Â Kayla gives Julie a checkup.
Lani enlists Kristen's help. Â Kayla notices a discrepancy during Julie's tests. Â JJ tells Eli he can't marry Gabi. Â Rafe finds "Hope's" cigarettes. Â Stefano & Gina move forward with their plan to kill John & Marlena. Â Abe asks Lani for the truth. Â Rafe talks to Kayla about his concerns about Hope. Kristen comes back and talks to JJ, then distracts Gabi. Â
Will gets several surprising visitors. Â Xander pressures Ciara to keep her mouth shut. Â Maggie worries over Victor. Â Brady and Kristen talk. Nicole is surprised to see Eric. Â Xander is delighted to see Sarah and the baby. Â Brady & Nicole make out at the office to upset Kristen. Â Eric & Sarah get bad news. Â
A flashback to how several Salemites celebrated last Mother's Day - which also happened to be the last day of Adrienne's life and an important day for Sarah & Kristen.
The flashback to last Mother's Day continues:
Tragedy strikes Adrienne and Sarah.
The flashback to last Mother's Day continues...
As Kristen prepares to give birth, a complication arises. Â Justin remembers his love with Adrienne across the years.
The events of last Mother's Day continue to be revealed:
Victor and Xander make a fateful decision.
The events from last Mother's Day continue to unfold:
JJ comes to tell Abigail that Adrienne is dead.
Abigail tells JJ that Haley is dead. Â
Everyone grieves the multiple deaths.
Will is stunned to learn from Ciara that Maggie was responsible for the car accident that killed Adrienne, but Xander and Victor covered it up. Kristen and Brady mourn their loss. Â Kristen tells Eric that Brady & Nicole are together now. Sonny goes to Evan for sympathy and sex.Â
"Stefano" listens in on a loving call between John and Marlena. Â Eli dreams about Lani, while Lani learns of his upcoming nupitals. Â Gabi and Eli set a date. Â Kate & Marlena talk. Rafe confides in Shawn-Douglas.
Kate confronts Gina about her and Stefano's plans for John and Marlena. Shawn Douglas tells Rafe "that woman" is not his mother. Â Stefano snaps at Anna in front of Tony and John. Â Marlena tells Kayla about John and "Steve's" mission and that he lied about loving another woman. Â
John grows suspicious of "Steve." Â "Hope" tells Marlena that they have to leave. Rafe and Shawn Douglas suspect Hope has been brainwashed and turn to Roman for help. Â Chad proposes an alternate living arrangement. Â Kate confides in Hattie. Rolf kills one of the Salemites. Â
Believing Nicole is with Brady, Eric turns to someone else for comfort. Â John finds himself locked up with "Hope". Â "Steve" pretends to find Marlena tied up in Gina's art studio. Â Chad & Abigail talk about Stefano and their living conditions. Xander is desperate to find a donor. Â Gina & Stefano break the bad news to John & Marlena.
Gina consoles John over Marlena's "death."  "Steve" tries to console Marlena over John's "death".  Eric & Sarah make out.  Abigail finds some odd artwork.  Xander tries to get the real parents tested. Rafe & Roman try to figure out where Marlena could be.  Sarah tells Xander how  she feels about him.
Eric and Nicole reconcile.
Sarah and Xander have a romantic evening. Â Julie is excited about Eli & Gabi's wedding and tells them she's getting a new pacemaker. Â Maggie talks to Brady & bemoans her drunken blackout. Â Eric & Nicole continue to make out. Â Kristen visits Lani. Â
Ciara hits upon a new theory regarding Jordan's killer. Â Rafe and Roman discuss theories about Gina & Stefano with Tony & Anna. Â "Steve" shows Marlena proof of John's death. Â Clyde offers again to help Ben. Â Gina tricks John.
"Steve" reveals his true identity to Marlena, but she has a surprise for him too. Â John hallucinates and Gina tries to take advantage of his confusing her with Marlena. Â Chad & Abigail confront Kristen. Â Rafe catches Kate up. Clyde & Ben start their escape.Â
Marlena makes a sacrifice to save John's life. Â Ben & Clyde start their escape, but plans go awry - Clyde makes a suprising decision. Â Chad & Abigail continue to obsess over the portrait of Steve, which leads them to a shocking confrontation. Â Kate confirms Rafe is right and offers to help, but he has questions. Â Hattie foils Stefano's plan and may suffer the consequences. Â Ciara agonizes over whether to help Ben. Â
Stefano threatens Abigail. Â Chad, Abigail & Hattie get locked inside the lair. Shawn Douglas tells Jack & Jennifer about Princess Gina. Â Rafe and Kate revive John. Â Marlena tries to reach Hope. Â Kayla finds an injured "Steve" in her office. Â Roman confronts Gina, but she gets away. Â Rafe is fooled and in danger of harm.Â
Kayla smuggles "Steve" out of the hospital. Â Justin visits with Victor. Â Ciara assists Ben's escape. Â Brady sees the "Steve" portrait in Kristen's room. Sarah, Xander, Nicole & Eric get the results of the tests.Â
Shawn confronts Princess Gina and tries to get through to his mother. Â Julie awaits her new pacemaker, while Gabi schemes to replace it with another she can control. Â Lani tortures herself about Eli's wedding. Â "Steve" tells Kayla she can't leave the hideout and she lets him have it. Â JJ is certain the wedding won't happen.Â
Gabi and Eli's Valentine's Day wedding begins. Â Julie got her new pacemaker put in. Brady invites Kristen to the wedding. Â Ben and Ciara are discovered. Gabi remembers Stefan and his death. Abe and Valerie greet each other. Â Lani takes a drastic action.
Lani crashes Gabi and Eli's wedding. Â Sonny & Will remember last Valentine's day. Â
Jennifer receives sad news about a loved one. Â In front of all the wedding guests, Gabi acts on her threat to Lani and kills Julie. Â Doug reminisces about his past and with Bill Horton. Â
Kayla is shocked by "Steve's" revelations. Â Rafe tells Gabi she is in trouble. Â Kate and Gabi compare crimes. Â Hattie stands up for Kate with Roman. Â Marlena is upset at receiving more gifts from Stefano. Â Eli pushes Lani away. Â Â
Ciara shares her theory about Jordan's killer with Ben. Sarah & Kristen dream about their babies. Victor comes home from the hospital and finds Rafe waiting. Â Will gets a visit from Sonny. Â Brady and Kristen confront Victor and Xander with questions.
Sarah's shocked when she learns the identity of Mickey's bone marrow match. Ciara and Ben are caught and Ciara makes a striking decision. Â Sonny dresses down Gabi over her actions. Â Will & Maggie discuss the night of Adrienne's death. Â Eric discovers Xander and Sarah are together.
Victor begs Will not to say anything. Â Gabi uses a stunning revelation to her advantage. Â Ben turns himself in to help Ciara. Â Maggie starts remembering. Â Rafe tells Ciara how crazy her plan is.Â
Maggie confronts Xander and Victor about the night of Adrienne's death. Â Abe confronts Lani about her lack of trust in him. Â Eli bemoans his inability to see Gabi for what she really is. Â Evan and Sonny talk about Sonny's divorce & both their kids losing a mother. Â Eric & Sarah react to Gabi's demands.
Eli and Lani reunite! Â Sarah is hysterical over the DAs refusal to budge and desperately begs Abe for help. Â Justin faces Stefano. Â Sonny overhears the news about Maggie. Â Chad comes to gloat and hears Gabi's news. Â
Ben prepares for his execution. Â Evan continues to hide something in his background. Â Justin transfers the ransom money to Stefano. Maggie comes over to apologize to Justin. Â Stefano drugs Chad. Â Gabi returns home. Â Sonny tells Evan the news. Â Ciara pesters Rafe for an update on her "hail mary" illegal search to find David's dad. "Steven-o" confronts Gabi. Â
Ciara receives key information about Jordan's killer. Â Stefano demands more from Justin. Kayla is suprised to see Dr. Rolf. Â Marlena and John discuss the news about Maggie & Will. Â Rafe confronts Evan about his name change. Sonny & Will reunite. Ben has a heart to heart with his dad and Marlena. Â Â
Evan reveals his secret to Sonny. Â Kayla encourages Rolf to brag about his technique to implant Stefano's 'essence' into Steve. Â John asks Justin why he's not at the prison for Ben's execution and Justin tells him why. Â Stefano catches Kayla trying to escape. Â Will and Marlena support Ben. Â Ciara runs into the prison shouting her story. Â Roman balks at Justin & John's plan, because it would endanger Hattie.
In a race against time, Ciara and Will work to exonerate Ben. Â The preparation for the bone marrow transplant begins. Â The doctor who Xander threatened to make the baby switch is back in Salem and runs into Brady & Kristen. Â Â
Ben's execution has begun. Kristen regrets killing Nurse Chen. Nicole happens upon the baby-switching doctor telling Xander she feels guilty. Â Ciara breaks into the prison hysterically brandishing a gun. Rafe runs into the Kiriakis mansion looking for David, reminding Will & Sonny to look for him. Â Maggie keeps trying to explain to Victor how she feels. Under extreme duress, Evan confesses. Â Nicole tries to ferret out Xander's secret. Â Victor and Xander plot to keep the secret quiet. Â Rafe runs into the prison, also with a drawn firearm and demands to know where David is.Â
Justin and Marlena meet with Stefano to negotiate Kayla's release; Roman blasts Kate for aiding and abetting Gina and Stefano. Jack tells Chad that Abigail is staying with JJ and then warns him against falling under Stefano's spell. Â Jennifer confronts Gina. Â Shawn D. takes Gina for an MRI.
John and Justin's plan goes horribly awry; Lani & Eli reconnect; Chad prepares to carry out his father's deadly wishes, and Julie blasts Gabi for her actions.
John, Justin, and Kayla find themselves in grave danger. Marlena tries to talk her way out of Rolf's procedure. Chad attempts to smother Gabi. Ben thanks Ciara for saving his life. Rafe apologies to Ben & worries about finding David.
Chad receives orders to kill Kate. Stefano tries to reconnect with Marlena after Dr. Rolf's procedure. Justin confides in Jack his fear about losing Kayla. John seeks Gina's help to find Stefano and Marlena.
John apprehends Rolf. Gina taunts Shawn and Ciara, insisting they will never get their mother back. Kate's unaware her life is in danger. To Rafe's dismay, Evan scores a legal victory.
Will lays into Victor. Kristen and Brady reminisce about Rachel. Rafe and Sonny confront Evan. Suspicious Nicole questions Xander about Dr. Raynor.
Evan meets up with someone unexpected. Kristen asks Eric if she can hold Mickey. Nicole starts to put the pieces together regarding Mickey and Rachel. Will and Sonny recommit to their marriage.
Nicole reels as she realizes Mackenzie could be Brady and Kristen's child; Xander proposes to Sarah; Evan conspires to keep David; John questions Kristen about Stefano.
Clyde is thrown when Ben tells him Evan's real name; Ciara delivers bad news to Ben; Gina makes one last plea to Rolf to save her; Lani and Eli help Rafe search for David.
Hope is shocked to learn Rolf turned her into Princess Gina; Clyde reveals to Ben how he was partly responsible for Jordan meeting Evan; Rafe grills Evan; Jennifer and Kayla reveal devastating news to Hope.
Stefano instructs Chad to organize a family reunion; Xander warns Victor that Nicole is on to them; Kristen and Brady comfort one another as they reminisce about Rachel; Nicole takes steps to prove her suspicions.
Nicole picks a fight with Kristen; Hope presses Kayla to learn what other damage she caused while she was Gina; Stefano makes headway with Marlena; Chad attacks Kate and Gabi.
Chad struggles to hide the truth from Abigail; Kate and Gabi find themselves trapped together; Stefano attempts to connect with Marlena; Sonny urges Evan to do the right thing.
Ben is released from prison and reunites with Ciara; Kayla fills in the gaps for Hope; Maggie says goodbye to her loved ones before going to prison; Nicole gets answers about Mickey.
Nicole confides her suspicions to Abe; Hattie presses Roman about his feelings for her; Eric expresses concern to Sarah about Xander's role in Mickey's life; Ben and Ciara enjoy a day of romance.
Stefano proposes to Marlena; Anna and Abigail grow suspicious of Chad's behavior; Hattie makes a surprising decision about her future; Chad convinces Tony and Kristen to attend a very special family gathering.
Abigail makes a shocking discovery. Tony and Kristen are stunned when Stefano reveals he and Marlena are getting married tonight.
Brady is shot; Stefano urges Marlena to end John's life; Anna and Abigail attempt to rescue their loved ones; Abe helps Nicole track down Dr. Raynor.
Abigail tries to break Stefano's spell over a brainwashed Chad; Kayla and Justin discuss the fate of their relationship; Anna creates complete chaos at Stefano's hideout; Ben and Ciara discuss their future.
Nicole is stunned when someone from her past shows up on her doorstep; Sheila returns with a big surprise for Eli; Clyde turns Ben's world upside down when he escapes from prison; Leo returns and has an intriguing offer for Will and Sonny.
Eric realizes Nicole lied to him; Nicole confronts Dr. Raynor; John tricks Rolf to get what he wants; Eli and Lani have a frosty encounter with Gabi.
Eric confronts Abe about Nicole; Kristen and Tony bond over their feelings about their father; Hattie says farewell to Salem; Brady is perplexed by Mackenzie's birthmark.
Nicole reveals the truth about Mackenzie to Eric; Xander makes plans for his and Sarah's nuptials; John nervously awaits news about Marlena's surgery; Stefano is determined to thwart Kayla's attempts to end his control over Steve's body.
Stefano makes one last request to see his children; Eric prepares to tell Brady and Kristen the truth about their daughter; Kayla makes a bold decision in order to get Steve back; Abigail and Anna voice their concern over Chad and Tony.
Kayla and Sarah encounter an unexpected complication during Steve's surgery; Eric shares a tearful goodbye with Mackenzie; Xander has a surprising request for Sonny; Evan meets with Ben face-to-face.
Justin confides in Jennifer about his fear of losing Kayla; Victor and Xander share a touching moment; Eric and Nicole intercept Sarah on the day of her wedding; Kayla sits vigil with Steve after his surgery.
Sarah gets the shock of her life; Kristen struggles with her pain; Marlena tries to help Steve; Steve wakes up from his surgery, but there's a hitch.
Hope and Steve commiserate together; Gabi goes up against Chad; Kayla tells Justin her decision about their future; Kate applies for a job with Abe.
Eric confronts Xander about the baby switch; Sarah makes a shocking decision; Jack encourages Steve to fight for Kayla; Will and Sonny discuss expanding their family.
John breaks the news to Marlena about Orpheus; Rafe and Orpheus face off over David; Justin informs Steve that he will fight for Kayla; Kayla is torn between Justin and Steve.
Steve makes a surprising decision regarding Kayla.
Gabi goes up against Chad.
Brady, Kristen, Eric and Nicole wait for word on Sarah and the baby.
Kristen attacks Victor!
Chad and Abigail gloat over Gabi losing control of her company and being able to run DiMera the way he sees fit. Xander tries to get Sarah to come home to discuss his deception in person. Kristen confronts Victor over his part in the baby switch. Ben and Ciara run into a bit of bad luck while looking for jobs. Gabi continues to see visions of Stefan. At the Kiriakis mansion, Sonny is shocked to find a slumped over Victor in his chair. Later, as Brady tells Kristen about Victor's involvement in the baby switch, he is surprised to learn she already knew.
Brady goes to extremes to protect Kristen.
Abigail and Chad learn the reason for her hallucinations.
Steve and Kayla share a moment as she helps him put back on his patch.
Gabi faints when she sees "Stefan." Nicole and Eric both suspect Brady isn't the one that stabbed Victor.
Kristen is alarmed when she learns Victor has woken up.
Sarah pleads with Rex to keep her secret. Â Gabbi is shocked to see her former husband. Â Abby has another attack.
Xander breaks devastating news to Maggie.  Kristen is on the run with an ally.  Sarah tries to justify her escalating crazy actions.  Eli grills Brady.
Lani helps Kristen track down Sarah's location.
Gabi kisses Jake!
Ciara tends to an injured Ben.
Sarah prepares to disappear forever with "her" daughter.
Ciara accepts Ben's proposal. Justin and Steve remember Adrienne's passing. Â Brady & Xander come across Rex. Â Sarah refuses to accept reality and sobs to Kristen that she will not give up "her" baby. Kristen and Brady face a difficult decision about the future.
Gabi seeks answers from Rolf about Stefan. Â Abby's family freaks out about her disappearance. Â Abby communes with Stefano and tries to rescue Abe from "Gabi". Â Ciara & Ben celebrate their fortune cookie engagement "under the sheets". Â Hope is not thrilled at the news.Â
Evan and his family arrive in court for his verdict. Â Abby tries to fight off the hallucinations. Â Gabi is determined to restore Stefan - by any means necessary. Â Lani & Eli discuss her situation.
Orpheus delivers horrifying news to Marlena. Â Brady tells Nicole and Eric what happened in Paris. Â Sarah and Maggie talk. Â Rafe finds out what really happened last Mother's day.
Marlena and Rafe compare notes about Orpheus. Â Orpheus confronts Zoey. Â Xander & Victor try to warn the prison of Maggie's plan. Â Sarah & Brady hatch a revenge plan. Â Nicole comforts Eric.
Xander desperately attempts to revive Maggie. Â The truth about the accident starts to come out. Â Marlena solicits help from friends, and talks to Orpheus again.
Victor asks Brady for forgiveness. Â Abby's hallucinations continue. Â Sarah wakes up in a strange bed again after another drunken night. Â Ciara tries to get Victor to give his blessing for her engagement, he tells her she's making a mistake.
Lani arrests Gabi! Xander tells Sarah about Maggie's attempt. Â Brady demands something from Victor. Â Justin visits Maggie. Sonny confronts Evan.
Abigail and Chad make difficult decisions about their future.
Eric asks Nicole to marry him!
Orpheus has one last trick up his sleeve for Marlena and John.
Eli proposes to Lani!
Justin visits Adrienne's grave to ask her permission to marry Kayla.
Xander confronts Brady about stabbing him in the back. Â Steve decides to fight for Kayla. Â Justin comes to a sudden decision. Â Brady and Sarah conspire to bring down Victor. Nicole braves a phone call to tell Sami the news.
Steve witnesses Justin's proposal to Kayla. Â Will & Sonny discuss another kid. Â Hope and Rafe discuss forgiveness. Â Lani and Eli discuss her fears and reservations. Â Zoe and Rafe argue over David. Â Abe & Kate clarify their working relationship.
Sarah lays into Victor for what he did to her. Â Xander visits Maggie. Â John questions Brady's motives. Â Will and Sonny deal with Gabi. Â Gabi is determined to prove Jake is Stefan. Â Jake confesses his history to Ben.
Claire pleads with Marlena to help her gain early release from Bayview. Â Jake and Ben discuss the thugs after Jake. Brady tosses Sierra's business proposals. Nicole lays into Brady for abandoning her. Â Gabbi encounters one of the thugs. Â Xander tries to ingratiate himself with Sarah, but Brady drops another bomb.
Lani and Eli share exciting news with Abe and Julie. Â Jennifer & Jack talk to Steve and Kayla about their feelings. Â Orpheus and Zoey blame each other for their current problems. Â Hope supports Rafe in his custody battle.
Jake reveals to Ben and Ciara that Gabi has been kidnapped! Â Marlena and John talk about Brady & Claire. Â Claire is obsessed with Ciara's upcoming wedding. Â Jack & Jen discuss Steve's feelings. Â Kayla drives a drunken Steve home. Â Ciara pressures Ben to do all the traditional wedding preparations, like picking a best man.
Sonny and Will arrive at the garage to question Jake about Gabby's disappearance, Belle and Shawn Brady arrive in town to discuss Claire being released from Bayview with their respective parents. At the hospital, Claire tells Gwen all about her plans after she gets released.
Claire eagerly anticipates Ben and Ciara's wedding. Hope questions Ciara's demeanor. Â Will & Sonny ask Ben and Jake about Gabi's whereabouts. Â Nicole and Eric both scheme to surprise the other. Rafe is still waiting to hear about David's custody decision and is looking for Gabi. Kate talks to Jack & Jennifer about awarding an honor for Steve and Hope. Â
Eric and Nicole get an unexpected visitor. Â Kate appeals to John to aid her. Â Kayla runs into Steve and they remember their past. Â Rafe anxiously awaits Justin to deliver the results of the custody case.Â
Eli and Lani make a big decision about their wedding. Â Eric and Nicole get a big shock. Â Sonny & Will discuss Gabi's disappearance. Â Abe goes to Rafe's and talks to Hope.Â
Allie drops a bombshell on Lucas. Â Jack counsels Xander on how to win back a Horton woman. Claire comes home. Â Maggie warns Sarah against self-destructive behavior. Ciara blackmails Brady.
Claire insists to Ciara she wants to make amends.
Eli and Lani demand the truth from Jake.
Ben and Marlena go to Bayview in search of Gwen.
Xander makes a heartfelt gesture to make things right with Sarah.
Gabi takes action to prove Jake is Stefan.
Chad and Gabi get into a heated exchange.
Sarah makes a confession to Xander.
Eli throws a wrench in Brady and Victor's plot.
Jack & Steve talk about his feelings for Kayla.
Sonny & Will discuss adopting his sister's baby.
Kayla & Lani talk about their upcoming weddings.
Lucas struggles on how to be supportive, while Rafe is immediately supportive.
Allie tells Nicole and Eric she plans to give her baby to someone in Salem.
The morning of her and Eli's wedding, Lani gets a surprise visitor.
Lani receives help from someone unexpected.
Kristen and Brady reunite! Lani & Eli's wedding is interrupted by several surprises.
Chaos erupts at Lani and Eli's wedding.
Jake and Gabi reel over his DNA test results.
Eric gives Will and Sonny disappointing news.
Xander confides in Jack about Sarah. Â Kayla prepare for the wedding. Â Jennifer and Hope agonize over whether to tell Kayla the truth (that Steve still loves her). Sonny comes to the rescue when it looks like the wedding will be derailed. Justin overhears a secret.
Steve makes a big announcement to John and Marlena.
Justin stuns Kayla with a huge confession.
Kayla confronts Steve.
Claire offers to help Ben with a very special task for the wedding. Â Vivian & Kate negotiate a truce.Â
While away from Salem, Kayla and Steve reconnect.
Gabi accuses Chad of being interested in Gwen. Â Vivian and Kate work out a deal. Â Nicole and Eric's wed. Â A surprise guest shows up at the end.
Nicole and Eric's wedding comes to a halt when Sami interrupts. Â A surprise visitor tells Vivian some shocking news.
Allie drops a bomb on Sami. Â Jake's identity is confirmed.
Will takes Ben out for drinks the night before his wedding.
Gabi delivers tragic news to Jake.
Hope and Allie help Ciara get ready for the wedding.
Belle realizes Claire lied to her.
Chaos erupts at Ben and Ciara's wedding.
Sami overreacts. Â Rafe makes a decision about Allie's offer. Â Sierra goes off on Claire and accuses her of the bombing.
Steve and Kayla return to Salem. Â Claire is questioned. Â Ally decides who to give her baby to.Â
Will and Sonny move forward with their adoption plans. Â Sierra talks to Clyde.
Nicole exposes Sami's machinations to Allie; Will and Sonny share their good news with Ari; Ciara shares a new theory with Rafe about Ben; Ben's captor reveals their identity.
Ben's past comes back to haunt him; Ciara and Claire decide to team up; Allie goes into labor; Chad learns Gabi has been making inroads at DiMera behind his back.
Ciara and Claire come to a stunning revelation; Ben is horrified when his captor reveals their diabolical plans; to Sami's dismay, Nicole helps Allie deliver her baby; Gwen and Jake move into the DiMera mansion.
Ben's torment begins; Hope, Shawn, Ciara and Claire arrive in New York to look for Ben; Sami tells Belle she is angry at Nicole for coming between her and Allie; Nicole blabs to Sonny and Will.
Ben attempts to make his escape; Chloe provides key information about Ben's captor; Allie makes a decision about her baby's adoption; Sonny blasts Sami for her interference.
Hope and Ciara find Ben; Sonny is upset to learn of Will's betrayal; Steve and Kayla strengthen their bond; Bonnie asks Justin to be her lawyer.
Gwen spies on Gabi for Chad; Eli and Lani discover surprising news about her pregnancy; Xander admits to Jack he's worried he's going to blow his second chance with Sarah; Steve and Kayla's romantic evening gets thrown off course.
Nicole encourages Allie to see her son; Eric gives Sami advice about her children; Sarah and Xander reconnect, Gabi enlists Jake's help to get Shin on her side.
Ben is haunted by his brainwashing; Will and Sami reconcile; Claire and Marlena discuss Claire's plans for the future; Allie leaves a letter with a shocking request.
Ben hides his unease from Ciara; Gabi and Jake have a huge blowup; Kate recounts to Abe her bitter rivalry with Vivian; Justin has a surprise for Bonnie.
Sami, Nicole and Eric search for Allie; Sami seeks help from Belle; Sonny and Will work on their relationship; Claire covers for Allie.
Ben has a nightmare of strangling Ciara; Rafe and Hope share a close moment; Eve arrives in Salem; Jake and Gwen fight over his relationship with Gabi.
Ben encounters Vincent in Marlena's office; Eve pleads with Claire not to turn her in; Gabi and Jake get surprising news; Gwen kisses Chad.
Eric and Nicole receive a restraining order from Sami; Marlena and Kate argue over what's best for Allie's baby; Sarah and Xander share a romantic afternoon; Victor and Bonnie spar.
Nicole and Eric have a heated confrontation with Sami; John collapses; Philip returns to Salem; Xander gets good news.
Marlena receives grave news about John's condition; Xander is threatened by Philip's unexpected return; Sami keeps the truth from her family; Sonny is offered an opportunity he cannot refuse.
Gwen tries to use Chad to make Jake jealous; Gabi doesn't react well to Will and Sonny's big decision; Rafe comes to Hope's rescue; Vincent puts the final nail in Ciara's coffin.
Steve sits vigil for John; Kayla and Jennifer give Hope advice about Rafe; Ben comforts Marlena; Eve marks the anniversary of her daughter's death.
Hope and Rafe get a tip on Eve's whereabouts; Ciara is unnerved when Ben takes her to a creepy location; Eric tries to find a compromise with Belle; Sami confesses the truth to Marlena.
Ben struggles to overcome his brainwashing; Eve has a vision of Paige; Rafe and Hope make an important decision about their future; Nicole stirs the pot.
Sami makes a bold move at her grandson's custody hearing; Jake and Gabi kiss; Ciara is trapped in a dangerous situation; Rafe grills a surprising intruder in his home.
A fearful Hope questions Ben; Gabi and Jake give in to their feelings for each other; Sami betrays Eric in order to nail Nicole; Eduardo puts Rafe in a tough spot.
Ben has an explosive confrontation with Eve; Gabi is forced to make a heartbreaking decision; Gwen blows up at Jake; Rafe and Gabi say farewell to Salem.
Philip reunites with Kate and Lucas; Bonnie comforts Justin after he discovers Sonny is leaving Salem; Victor is faced with a difficult decision; while sitting vigil with John, Marlena is reunited with a loved one.
Sami brings in a surprise witness to bolster her case; Will and Sonny say their final goodbyes to Salem; Philip and Xander battle for the title of Titan CEO; Brady and Marlena catch up.
Marlena helps Ben get answers; Ciara's fate is revealed; Nicole takes a major hit in court; Shawn and Belle are confronted by an old foe.
Ben recalls a key piece of information; Vincent makes a shocking confession to Ciara; Belle and Sami have a huge showdown; Kristen returns to Salem.
Eli is upset to learn Lani is helping Kristen; Steve and Kayla are surprised by an intruder; Kristen and Brady argue about her coming to Salem; Gwen tries to play on Chad's sympathies.
Jack and Shawn uncover the truth about Vincent; Ciara turns the tables on Vincent; Abigail's return prompts a shocking reveal; Tripp informs Steve why he's back in Salem.
Jake suggests to Abigail that something is going on between Chad and Gwen; Tripp and Claire catch up; Shawn, Ben and Hope's frantic search for Ciara continues; Ciara finds herself in a deadly predicament.
Hope, Shawn Douglas, and Ben frantically try to save Ciara from the fiery explosion at the airfield. At the DiMera mansion, Jake issues a warning to Gwen, and later Chad issues one to Jack. Gwen apologizes to Abigail for what Abigail walked in on when she came home. At the hospital, Sarah gives Xander a pep talk about working with Philip. After getting off the phone with her mother, Belle gets a surprise from Phillip.
Eli shares upsetting news with Lani; Marlena scolds Sami for her actions.
John wakes up to a relieved Brady and Marlena, unable to remember what happened and who they are. As Hope tells Eve the latest with the search for Ciara, Ben dreams of his wife. As Lani continues to care for Rachel, Eli goes to arrest Kristen.
Lani and Brady are upset about Eli arresting Kristen. Brady asks Belle to represent Kristen. Upon learning what happened to Ciara, Victor informs Maggie that wants revenge against Ben. Eli, Shawn Douglas, and Hope continue with their search for Vincent and eventually get a promising lead as to his whereabouts.
As Phillip and Xander have a run in with one another at the office, a stunned Belle finds Jan comforting Claire. In John's room at the hospital, Marlena walks in on Sami and John fighting. Nicole goes to see the baby while Lucas is watching him. Eric gets a surprise visitor.
Allie is upset with Sami for going against her wishes; Shawn finds Belle with Philip.
As Lani visits with Kristen, they get a surprise when Eli stops in to try to see his wife. Meanwhile, Brady tries to convince Victor to go along with his plan to say that Brady was the one who stabbed him. Eric lets his parents and Belle know that he's leaving for a special mission in Africa. As Allie goes to see Nicole, in an attempt to get her and Eric to raise her baby, Katie tries to convince Sami to not use the baby to get Allie to go back to Italy with them.
Eric and Nicole say goodbye; Sami presents Allie with a compromise; Kristen's past haunts her.
Justin confides in Jack about Bonnie; Gwen plots against Abigail; John lashes out at Steve.
Sami and Nicole argue before Sam's departure; Tripp asks for Kayla's blessing.
Allie and Tripp have a tense encounter; John continues to have mood swings.
Philip's welcome home dinner takes a surprising turn; Jan files a complaint with Shawn.
Sarah lays into Xander for his role in Philip's arrest; Belle comes to Philip's aid.
Eli warns Lani her past actions may come back to haunt her; Kate offers to keep an eye on Jake.
Melinda puts Eli in a tough spot; Ben and Vincent have a heated encounter.
Vincent reveals Ciara's fate to Ben and Hope; Allie tells Lani what happened in London.
Bonnie attempts to gain Justin's forgiveness; Allie gives Claire shocking news about Tripp.
Steve and Kayla are shocked when they learn what Allie said about Tripp.
Melinda tries to unnerve Kristen; Eli struggles with his huge dilemma.
Lani makes an emotional plea to Melinda on Kristen's behalf; Gwen sets a new plan into action.
Hope and Shawn receive new evidence regarding Ciara; Kristen makes a shocking decision.
Nicole reluctantly gives Lucas devastating news; Tripp amends part of his story.
John blasts Steve for defending Tripp; Philip succeeds in pushing Xander over the edge.
Kayla and Steve keep a secret from Tripp; Marlena tries to calm John; Sarah and Xander argue.
Ben has a vision; lights go out in Salem; Clyde and Orpheus form an alliance; Jake confronts Gwen.
Eli tries to keep the truth from Lani; Orpheus asks Marlena for help; Chad is stunned to see Rolf.
Rolf threatens to kill Chad; Belle checks on John; Gwen faces an unexpected dilemma.
Belle is afraid when she finds Jan in her house; Clyde tries to save Ben from himself.
Orpheus reveals his plan for Marlena; Clyde tricks Allie into letting him into her apartment.
Orpheus and John face off; Allie and Nicole report Henry's kidnapping.
Kayla is thunderstruck when Rolf reveals his latest scientific endeavor.
Kayla is horrified by Rolf's demands; Chad becomes suspicious of Gwen.
Jennifer and Jack find a stunning letter from Hope; Doug and Julie mourn Ciara.
Eli wakes up to find himself in the hospital with Lani; Ben confirms that Vincent killed Ciara.
Tripp is shocked and angry when he learns from Allie that Kayla ran a DNA test.
Allie tells Nicole the DNA results came back; Justin tells Bonnie he forgives her.
Abigail throws a party honoring her parents; Jake bails Ben out of jail.
Jack and Jennifer's friends and family help them celebrate their anniversary.
Abigail upends Jack and Jennifer's party; Jennifer is rocked by a stunning revelation.
Jennifer slaps Jack; Gwen lies to Chad about how Abigail found the letter.
Chad searches for Abigail; Jake accuses Gwen of orchestrating the evening's chaos.
Sarah becomes more suspicious of Philip; Belle has a big romantic surprise for Shawn.
Allie receives upsetting news; Lani confronts Abe and Eli about their furtive conversation.
Ava visits a friend; Steve and Kayla argue over Tripp; Lani demands the truth from Brady.
Brady confesses to Kristen; Lani confronts Eli about his deception; Gwen sees Jake and Kate kissing.
Jennifer and Kate have a confrontation; Gwen shares the next phase of her plan with Rolf.
Belle has a request for John and Marlena regarding her wedding to Shawn; Jan manipulates Claire.
John and Shawn give Charlie the third degree; Shawn and Belle's wedding ceremony begins.
Jan makes a shocking demand at Shawn and Belle's wedding; Claire realizes Jan betrayed her.
John attacks Jan; Charlie comforts distraught Claire; Philip finds a surprise in his bedroom
The Hortons gather to celebrate Thanksgiving; Abigail and JJ rally around Jennifer.
Rafe returns to Salem and discovers much has changed; Gabi is determined to reunite with Jake.
Gabi's shocked to find Jake and Kate in bed together; Roman updates Rafe about Hope.
Xander grills Kristen about her visitor; Charlie becomes wary of Claire's friendship with Ben.
Allie gets upsetting news; Kayla and Steve get into a heated argument about Tripp and Allie.
A desperate Allie takes a page from her mother; Steve and Lucas have a tense confrontation.
Kayla tells Steve she needs him to ask Tripp to move out; Tripp is stunned to discover Ava is alive.
Ava tries to bargain with Steve; Philip is pleasantly surprised to run into Chloe.
Chad catches Jake in a lie; Gwen has a major fit; Bonnie toys with Jack and Justin.
Kayla is horrified to find Ava making herself at home; Nicole blasts Tripp.
Steve and Kayla visit Joey in prison; Gwen and Kate put each other on notice.
Steve and Kayla tell Joey that Ava's alive; Kate advises Allie on her next move.
Steve and Kayla bring Joey home from prison; Allie seeks help from Belle.
Ava uncovers the truth; Kayla and Steve question Joey about his future.
Chloe confides in Brady about Philip; Steve warns Tripp to be careful about Ava.
Ava finds herself in danger; Allie and Steve talk about the night she was assaulted.
Tony and Anna return to Salem as the DiMera family celebrates Christmas Eve.
The Kiriakis family celebrates Christmas Eve; Xander brings a surprising date to the festivities.
John and Marlena's family celebrates Christmas Eve; Nicole tells Allie a secret.
The Horton family hangs ornaments on Christmas Eve; Claire gives Ben a gift from Ciara.
The Bradys and Carvers celebrate Christmas Day in Salem; Lani's labor kicks in; Valerie returns.
Marlena encourages John to work it out with Steve; Steve tells Kayla about his new theory.
Steve and John work together to uncover the truth; Claire catches Charlie in an inopportune moment.
Sarah tries again to get the goods on Philip; Abigail shares a stunning revelation with Jennifer.
Gwen's schemes come to a head; Philip gets jealous when he finds out Chloe is Brady's date.
Anna and Abigail find incriminating evidence in Gwen's bedroom; Gwen lures Chad into a trap.
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