When will be Disney's Hercules next episode air date? Is Disney's Hercules renewed or cancelled? Where to countdown Disney's Hercules air dates? Is Disney's Hercules worth watching?

Disney's Hercules is a spin-off of the 1997 theatrically released animated film of the same name (Hercules) and is based on his teen-aged adventures. Hercules features events which occur midway through the actual film (sometimes called a "midquel"), during his years in training on the Isle of Idra under the tutelage of Philoctetes (Phil) the Satyr. Many of the Olympian Gods and Goddesses only glimpsed during the film pay visit to the young hero-to-be and help or hinder him in his adventures. However, the series ignores a certain fact about the movie; Hades believed that Hercules was dead throughout his first 18 years of his life, but they have many interactions during this time.

Genres: Action | Adventure | Fantasy
Station: Disney Channel (US)
Rating: 0/10 from 0 users
Status: Ended
Start: 1998-08-31

Disney's Hercules Air Dates

Feb 22, 1999

S01E49 - Hercules and the Grim Avenger Air Date: Feb 22, 1999 17:00 - 26 years ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Feb 24, 1999

S01E50 - Hercules and the Spring of Canathus Air Date: Feb 24, 1999 17:00 - 26 years ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Feb 26, 1999

S01E51 - Hercules and the Big Show Air Date: Feb 26, 1999 17:00 - 26 years ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Mar 01, 1999

S01E52 - Hercules and the Tiff on Olympus Air Date: Mar 01, 1999 17:00 - 26 years ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Next Episode of Disney's Hercules is

not planed. TV Show was canceled.

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