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Robinson is a Swedish reality television program in which contestants are put into survival situations, and a voting process eliminates one person each episode until a winner is determined. The format was developed in 1994 by Charlie Parsons for a United Kingdom TV production company called Planet 24, but the Swedish debut in 1997 was the first production to actually make it to television. The Swedish version began airing on SVT in 1997 through to 2004. In 2005 it aired on TV3, in 2009 to 2012 it aired on TV4 and in 2015 it began airing on Sjuan TV. An American version called Survivor, started in 2000.

Station: TV4 (SE)
Rating: 0/10 from 0 users
Status: Running
Start: 1997-09-13

Robinson Season 17 Air Dates

S17E01 - I Begynnelsen / In the beginning Air Date: 18 March 2018 11:00 -

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S17E02 - Ingen rök utan eld / No smoke without fire Air Date: 19 March 2018 11:00 -

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S17E03 - Rädda sig den som kan / Save the one who can Air Date: 20 March 2018 11:00 -

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S17E04 - Gammal är äldst / Old is the oldest Air Date: 21 March 2018 11:00 -

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S17E05 - äta eller ätas / eat or be eated Air Date: 22 March 2018 11:00 -

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S17E06 - som man bäddar får man ligga / what goes around comes around Air Date: 25 March 2018 10:00 -

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S17E07 - Vinnaren tar allt / The winner takes it all Air Date: 26 March 2018 10:00 -

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S17E08 - Skattjaken kan börja / The treasure hunt can begin Air Date: 27 March 2018 10:00 -

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S17E09 - bytt är bytt och kommer aldrig tillbaka / The change is changed and will never return Air Date: 28 March 2018 10:00 -

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S17E10 - ovärdig vinnare / unworthy winner Air Date: 29 March 2018 10:00 -

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S17E11 - Myteri / Mutiny Air Date: 01 April 2018 10:00 -

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S17E12 - kom igen raring tänd min eld / come on baby light my fire Air Date: 02 April 2018 10:00 -

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S17E13 - Att veta allt är stort, att veta mer är större / knowing everything is great, knowing more is bigger Air Date: 03 April 2018 10:00 -

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S17E14 - Varför ska jag alltid vara spjutspetsen? / Why should I always be the spearhead? Air Date: 04 April 2018 10:00 -

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S17E15 - En för alla, alla för en / One for all, all for one Air Date: 05 April 2018 10:00 -

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S17E16 - Att skiljas är att dö en smula / To part is to die a little Air Date: 08 April 2018 10:00 -

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S17E17 - Bättre dåligt minne än dåliga minnen / Better bad memory than bad memories Air Date: 09 April 2018 10:00 -

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S17E18 - Oväntat besök / Unexpected visit Air Date: 10 April 2018 10:00 -

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S17E19 - Ute på djupt vatten / Out in deep water Air Date: 11 April 2018 10:00 -

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S17E20 - Livet är en fest och jag är bjuden / Life is a party and I am invited Air Date: 12 April 2018 10:00 -

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S17E21 - Roten till det onda / The root of evil Air Date: 15 April 2018 10:00 -

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S17E22 - Diktatorn / Dictator Air Date: 16 April 2018 10:00 -

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S17E23 - Vinna tillsammans, förlora ensam / Win together, lose alone Air Date: 17 April 2018 10:00 -

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S17E24 - Att göra en höna av en fjäder / To make a chicken of a feather Air Date: 18 April 2018 10:00 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S17E25 - Jag är en vilde / I am a savage Air Date: 19 April 2018 10:00 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S17E26 - Tiden är på min sida / Time is on my side Air Date: 22 April 2018 10:00 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S17E27 - Häng dom högt / Hang them high Air Date: 23 April 2018 10:00 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S17E28 - Ingen minns en fegis / Nobody remembers a coward Air Date: 24 April 2018 10:00 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S17E29 - Ödets ironi / Irony of fate Air Date: 25 April 2018 10:00 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S17E30 - Skratta bäst som skrattar sist / Laugh best who laughs last Air Date: 26 April 2018 10:00 -

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S17E31 - Fake ass bitches Air Date: 29 April 2018 10:00 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S17E32 - När tidvattnet vänder / When the tide turns Air Date: 30 April 2018 10:00 -

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S17E33 - Allt ni ser är fejk / Everything you see is fake Air Date: 01 May 2018 10:00 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S17E34 - Förlåt / Sorry Air Date: 02 May 2018 10:00 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S17E35 - Kom helvete eller högvatten / Come hell or high tide Air Date: 03 May 2018 10:00 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S17E36 - En fiendes bekännelser / An enemy's confessions Air Date: 06 May 2018 10:00 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S17E37 - Grisfesten / Pig party Air Date: 07 May 2018 10:00 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S17E38 - En kvinnas doft / A woman's scent Air Date: 08 May 2018 10:00 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S17E39 - Hux flux så blev alla människor / hux flux so became all people Air Date: 09 May 2018 10:00 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S17E40 - Att ta sig vatten över huvudet / to take water over the head Air Date: 10 May 2018 10:00 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S17E41 - Förlåt del 2 / Forgive Part 2 Air Date: 13 May 2018 10:00 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S17E42 - Humle o Dumle Air Date: 14 May 2018 10:00 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S17E43 - En välsignelse från det förflutna / A blessing from the past Air Date: 15 May 2018 10:00 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S17E44 - Girl power Air Date: 16 May 2018 10:00 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S17E45 - Förrådd / Betrayed Air Date: 17 May 2018 10:00 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S17E46 - Framåt kamrater / Forward comrades Air Date: 20 May 2018 10:00 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S17E47 - Konungens återkomst / The return of the king Air Date: 21 May 2018 10:00 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S17E48 - Ska jag släppa bomben / Should I drop the bomb Air Date: 22 May 2018 10:00 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S17E49 - Vinden har vänt / The wind has turned Air Date: 23 May 2018 10:00 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S17E50 - Plankan / The plank Air Date: 24 May 2018 10:00 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S17E51 - Finalen / The Final Air Date: 27 May 2018 10:00 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

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