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Family Guy is an American adult animated sitcom created by Seth MacFarlane for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The series centers on the Griffins, a family consisting of parents Peter and Lois; their children Meg, Chris, and Stewie; and their anthropomorphic pet dog Brian. The show is set in the fictional city of Quahog, Rhode Island, and exhibits much of its humor in the form of cutaway gags that often lampoon American culture.
The family was conceived by MacFarlane after developing two animated films, The Life of Larry and Larry & Steve. MacFarlane redesigned the films' protagonist, Larry, and his dog, Steve, and renamed them Peter and Brian, respectively. MacFarlane pitched a seven-minute pilot to Fox on May 15, 1998. The show was given the green light and started production. Shortly after the third season of Family Guy had aired in 2001, Fox canceled the series, putting the series to a 2-year hiatus. However, favorable DVD sales and high ratings for syndicated reruns on Adult Swim convinced the network to renew the show in 2004 for a fourth season, which began airing on May 1, 2005. (source:
With her vision waning, Lois elects to get LASIK surgery, but exploits her new disability for monetary gain. Meanwhile, Peter, Chris and Stewie must partake in all the activities with Doug that his father neglects.
While at an old record store, Peter and the guys recount tales of three rock legends: Jim Morrison, Muddy Waters and Elton John.
Quagmire meets an avid dog lover, and pretends Brian is his dog in an attempt to win her over. Meanwhile, Chris helps Stewie track down the culprit who stole his Halloween candy in the "Must Love Dogs" Halloween-themed episode of FAMILY GUY.
Impelled by nostalgia, Peter recreates movie scenes from his favorite decade. Meanwhile, Stewie and Doug compete to retrieve a frisbee stuck at the top of the jungle gym.
When Peter and Quagmire accidentally switch underwear, they begin to mimic the other's behavior. Meanwhile, Stewie and Doug agree to commit each other's murders.
Stewie takes drastic measures when he thinks he is diagnosed with terminal "cooties." Meanwhile, Peter becomes infatuated with Bonnie's cooking.
Lois and her father attend the funeral of Lois' childhood nanny. Meanwhile, Peter and the rest of the family turn Pewterschmidt mansion into a hotel.
A new boss (Preston Lloyd) quells Peter's favorite part about work: office birthdays. Meanwhile, Stewie is put in detention and comes out a ruffian.
In noir-style, Peter/Mac investigates the disappearance of Meg/Sister Megan.
When Mayor West's nativity scene is ruined, Brian is seen as the prime suspect.
An accident leaves Peter with a high-pitched voice, and Jesus coaches him into fending off the other choir boys; meanwhile, Stewie is attracted to Lois' new masculine physique.
At odds with Peter, Lois takes Quagmire to her high school reunion. Meanwhile, the rest of the family must cover up the death of a pizza delivery man.
Peter hires the town's new lawyer, Brick Baker, to represent him in litigation against his new neighbor.. who turns out to be Brick. Meanwhile, Brian and Stewie become lobstermen and save Rupert from the perils of the deep.
The Griffins tell their own versions of three HBO shows: "Game of Thrones," "Succession" and "Big Little Lies."
Meg is invigorated by her new role as a getaway driver, Meanwhile, Quagmire can't rid himself of the hiccups and implores Peter to kill him.
After Brian sustains an injury, Lois gets hooked on his painkillers. Meanwhile, Cleveland refurbishes Peter's ping pong table, which becomes the hot spot in the neighborhood.
When Lois' piano student, Alana, comes to work for the Griffins, Lois is initially glad for the help, until she realizes Alana's intentions are more sinister than she thought.
Peter and Chris take a road trip to Canada to prove the existence of Chris' girlfriend. Meanwhile, Lois and Meg compete for the attention of a handsome handyman.
The guys' physical prowess is tested at Mayor West's dude ranch. Meanwhile, Stewie thinks he's gotten his first period.
Peter attends a business conference in Atlantic City with Preston. Meanwhile, Stewie helps Chris prepare for his role in Adam West High's rendition of "Romeo and Juliet".
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