When will be Impact next episode air date? Is Impact renewed or cancelled? Where to countdown Impact air dates? Is Impact worth watching?

"Impact" is a new dramatic 4-part TV mini-series shot exclusively in Canada. While the entire world watches the largest meteor shower in 10,000 years, a rogue asteroid, hidden by the meteor field, smashes into the moon in a tremendous explosion of rock and debris. Fragments from the asteroid, and even from the moon itself, penetrate Earth's atmosphere and make impact. Even though the initial damage is minimal, nerves are frayed throughout the planet. There is significant physical damage to the lunar surface, but experts quickly conclude there will be no lasting ramifications. Then strange anomalies begin to manifest themselves on Earth. It starts small - cell phone disruptions, unusual static charges and odd tidal behavior. The world's leading scientists, including Alex Kittner, Maddie Rhodes and Roland Emerson, begin piecing together evidence that suggests the moon's properties, and its orbit, may have been permanently altered.

Genres: Drama | Action | Sci-Fi | Thriller | Adventure
Station: ABC (CA)
Rating: 0/10 from 0 users
Status: Canceled/Ended
End: Jun/28/2009

Impact Air Dates

Jun 22, 2009

S01E01 - Episode 1 Air Date: Jun 22, 2009 02:00 - 16 years ago
Jun 29, 2009

S01E02 - Episode 2 Air Date: Jun 29, 2009 02:00 - 16 years ago

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Next Episode of Impact is

not planed. TV Show was canceled.

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