When will be Keresztanyu next episode air date? Is Keresztanyu renewed or cancelled? Where to countdown Keresztanyu air dates? Is Keresztanyu worth watching?

Mama Róza, the "Godmother", is the leader of the smuggling mafia, who, at the beginning of the story, on her 69th birthday, decides to retire within a year and gives control of the smuggler mafia to the mayor of the village, ie Makkosszállás. The election will be due in a year, so the nearby family members and the residents of the village are also starting to work - with more or less success - to get into the graces of Mama Róza and get the chance of getting the mayoral title as much as possible. They use everything. They know no bounds! 

Genres: Comedy | Crime
Station: RTL Klub (HU)
Rating: 0/10 from 0 users
Status: Ended
Start: 2021-01-03

Keresztanyu Season 1 Air Dates

S01E01 - Az alagút Air Date: 03 January 2021 19:10 -

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S01E02 - Randevú a templomban Air Date: 04 January 2021 19:10 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S01E03 - Autószerviz Air Date: 05 January 2021 19:10 -

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S01E04 - A határon Air Date: 06 January 2021 19:10 -

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S01E05 - Vasalás Air Date: 07 January 2021 19:10 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S01E06 - Csempészrekesz Air Date: 08 January 2021 19:10 -

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S01E07 - A tizenhat torta Air Date: 11 January 2021 19:10 -

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S01E08 - A buli Air Date: 12 January 2021 19:10 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S01E09 - Az eltűnt cica Air Date: 13 January 2021 19:10 -

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S01E10 - Menjünk fagyizni! Air Date: 14 January 2021 19:10 -

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S01E11 - A titokzatos soför Air Date: 15 January 2021 19:10 -

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S01E12 - Állásajánlat Air Date: 18 January 2021 19:10 -

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S01E13 - Elfogatóparancs Air Date: 19 January 2021 19:10 -

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S01E14 - A kutya meg a macska! Air Date: 20 January 2021 19:10 -

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S01E15 - A besurranó Air Date: 21 January 2021 19:10 -

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S01E16 - Rajtaütés Air Date: 22 January 2021 19:10 -

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S01E17 - Randevú a tűzoltóházban Air Date: 25 January 2021 19:10 -

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S01E18 - Kihallgatás Air Date: 26 January 2021 19:10 -

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S01E19 - Titkos iratok Air Date: 27 January 2021 19:10 -

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S01E20 - Kiárusítás Air Date: 28 January 2021 19:10 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S01E21 - Követési távolság Air Date: 29 January 2021 19:10 -

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S01E22 - Hallgatózók Air Date: 01 February 2021 19:10 -

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S01E23 - Randi vagy nem randi? Air Date: 02 February 2021 19:10 -

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S01E24 - A muszáj-futár Air Date: 03 February 2021 19:10 -

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S01E25 - Gyűlés Air Date: 04 February 2021 19:10 -

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S01E26 - Manikűr Air Date: 05 February 2021 19:10 -

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S01E27 - Összeáll a puzzle Air Date: 08 February 2021 19:10 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S01E28 - Kezeket fel! Air Date: 09 February 2021 19:10 -

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S01E29 - A felvétel Air Date: 10 February 2021 19:10 -

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S01E30 - A pályakezdő Air Date: 11 February 2021 19:10 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S01E31 - Zártkörű rendezvény Air Date: 12 February 2021 19:10 -

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S01E32 - Traffipax Air Date: 15 February 2021 19:10 -

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S01E33 - Gyerünk utána! Air Date: 16 February 2021 19:10 -

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S01E34 - Eltűnve... Air Date: 17 February 2021 19:10 -

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S01E35 - Fácánvadászat Air Date: 18 February 2021 19:10 -

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S01E36 - A nagy bejelentés Air Date: 19 February 2021 19:10 -

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S01E37 - Magaslati levegő Air Date: 22 February 2021 19:10 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S01E38 - Vacsorameghívás Air Date: 23 February 2021 19:10 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S01E39 - Sárkányháton Air Date: 24 February 2021 19:10 -

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S01E40 - A plakát Air Date: 25 February 2021 19:10 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S01E41 - Lesben Air Date: 26 February 2021 19:10 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S01E42 - A betörő Air Date: 01 March 2021 19:10 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S01E43 - A zarándoklat Air Date: 02 March 2021 19:10 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S01E44 - A zsaroló Air Date: 03 March 2021 19:10 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S01E45 - A megfigyelőosztag Air Date: 04 March 2021 19:10 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S01E46 - Előléptetés Air Date: 05 March 2021 19:10 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S01E47 - Az ukrán beteg Air Date: 08 March 2021 19:10 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S01E48 - Titkos kirándulás Air Date: 09 March 2021 19:10 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S01E49 - Nyughatatlanok Air Date: 10 March 2021 19:10 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S01E50 - Madárlesen Air Date: 11 March 2021 19:10 -

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S01E51 - Próbakör Air Date: 12 March 2021 19:10 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S01E52 - A drón felszáll Air Date: 16 March 2021 19:10 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S01E53 - A betolakodó Air Date: 17 March 2021 19:10 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S01E54 - Helyszínelés Air Date: 18 March 2021 19:10 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S01E55 - A roncs Air Date: 19 March 2021 19:10 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S01E56 - Ki a bűnös? Air Date: 22 March 2021 19:10 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S01E57 - Isten hozta, apuka! Air Date: 23 March 2021 19:10 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S01E58 - A törölt videó Air Date: 24 March 2021 19:10 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S01E59 - Tűntetés Air Date: 25 March 2021 19:10 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S01E60 - A várva várt vacsora Air Date: 26 March 2021 19:10 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S01E61 - A vendég Air Date: 29 March 2021 18:10 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S01E62 - Ki húzza a rövidebbet? Air Date: 30 March 2021 18:10 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S01E63 - A kígyó Air Date: 31 March 2021 18:10 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S01E64 - Timike titka Air Date: 01 April 2021 18:10 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S01E65 - A szökés Air Date: 06 April 2021 18:10 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S01E66 - A vér nem válik vízzé Air Date: 07 April 2021 18:10 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S01E67 - A fogadás Air Date: 08 April 2021 18:10 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S01E68 - Anya csak egy van...? Air Date: 09 April 2021 18:10 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S01E69 - Üzleti ebéd Air Date: 12 April 2021 18:10 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S01E70 - A viszontlátás öröme Air Date: 13 April 2021 18:10 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S01E71 - Szívélyes üdvözlettel Air Date: 14 April 2021 18:10 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S01E72 - Új családi üzlet Air Date: 15 April 2021 18:10 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S01E73 - Egyenleg: nulla Air Date: 16 April 2021 18:10 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S01E74 - Lányok után futni Air Date: 19 April 2021 18:10 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S01E75 - Dr. Krasznahorkai Air Date: 20 April 2021 18:10 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S01E76 - A régi ismerős Air Date: 21 April 2021 18:10 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S01E77 - Az ukrán módszer Air Date: 22 April 2021 18:10 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S01E78 - Nők egymás közt… Air Date: 23 April 2021 18:10 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S01E79 - Túszejtés Air Date: 26 April 2021 18:10 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S01E80 - Hamis akták Air Date: 27 April 2021 18:10 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S01E81 - Az új kollegina Air Date: 28 April 2021 18:10 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S01E82 - Szorul a hurok Air Date: 29 April 2021 18:10 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

S01E83 - A hasonmás Air Date: 30 April 2021 18:10 -

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Next Episode of Keresztanyu is

not planed. TV Show was canceled.

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