When will be L'Art du crime next episode air date? Is L'Art du crime renewed or cancelled? Where to countdown L'Art du crime air dates? Is L'Art du crime worth watching?

Antoine Verlay, an unlikeable police officer but a good investigator, and Florence Chassagne, a renowned yet neurotic art historian, are forced to work together on art trafficking. Antoine knows nothing about art, yet Florence frequently has conversations in her head with the late great dead painters..! To solve the crimes, the poorly matched duo must decipher the paintings to get to know the personality of the artist, and understand the motivations of the thief. A funny and exciting clash of cultures and crime capers ensue…

Genres: Crime | Drama | Mystery
Station: France 2 (FR)
Rating: 10/10 from 1 users
Status: Running
Start: 2017-11-17

L'Art du crime Season 5 Air Dates

Nov 22, 2021

S05E01 - Un cœur de pierre Air Date: Nov 22, 2021 19:55 - 3 years ago

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Nov 29, 2021

S05E02 - Le code Delacroix Air Date: Nov 29, 2021 19:55 - 3 years ago

Sorry, but right now we don't have any sources for this episode.

Next Episode of L'Art du crime is


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