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Iris is an ordinary teenage schoolgirl, living in Sunny Bay. However, when she sings, strange events happen. Meanwhile, Talia and Auriana are searching for the lost princess of Ephedia, and decide to do an audition for all the girls in town. Encouraged by her best friend, Iris ends up auditioning, but her power destroys the room, and she is attacked by two strangers. Talia and Auriana come to help her, and explain to her that she is a princess with magical powers, that must save her kingdom from the clutches of Gramorr. The only way to save it is to master her powers, and find the oracle gems of the Royal Crown of Ephedia, which are scattered across Earth.

Genres: Family | Children
Station: France 3 (FR)
Rating: 10/10 from 6 users
Status: Running
Start: 2014-10-18

LoliRock Air Dates

Jan 05, 2017

S02E05 - Wicked Red Air Date: Jan 05, 2017 21:00 - 8 years ago

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Auriana becomes the product model for a shampoo company and gets a multi-year supply of shampoo. However, she becomes increasingly mean and selfish towards her friends and her photographer at the various events. Auriana sides with Praxina and Mephisto. Talia and Iris discover the shampoo is the cause. Together with Carissa and Lyna, they try to stop them at an event where Auriana is going to debut as the entertainer Wicked Red.

Jan 05, 2017

S02E06 - Blurred Vision Air Date: Jan 05, 2017 21:00 - 8 years ago

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Aunt Ellen gives Iris a gift for her birthday: a box with an Ephedian item called a vocalextra. It contains a holographic message from her mother who tells Iris that she was sent to Earth for her protection and that she should stop fighting. Iris struggles with the message but goes on to help Shelby, a childhood friend who wants to give up her dream of being a surfer. Talia and Auriana discover the message was corrupted by the twins. After encouraging Shelby to try again, Iris joins the other girls as they face the twins and their lobster-like monster.

Jan 05, 2017

S02E07 - Princess Brenda Part I Air Date: Jan 05, 2017 21:00 - 8 years ago

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When Iris keeps having to be called away to her activities as a magical princess, Nathaniel starts to lose faith in his relationship with her. They try to set a lunch date. Iris and the LoliRock girls help a visiting girl named Brenda who is looking for her birth mother. While Iris excuses herself to catch up with Nathaniel, Praxina and Mephisto discover that Izira's medallion, which they have been holding, is suddenly attracted to Brenda, and abduct her, thinking she is a magical princess. Iris cancels her date again and rushes back to help the other girls, but the twins already restored the medallion, having found its missing fragment inside the bracelet that Auriana loaned to Brenda.

Jan 05, 2017

S02E08 - Princess Brenda Part II Air Date: Jan 05, 2017 21:00 - 8 years ago

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Mephisto and Praxina harness the power of Izira's Medallion. Nathaniel sees Iris and the girls fly off with Amaru, and follows them. The girls fight the twins, but Nathaniel is witness to the whole thing and then arrives to the scene. Iris apologizes to Nathaniel but then the twins encase everyone in crystal. Iris uses her Shanila powers to get back the medallion, which enables her to turn back time.

Jan 05, 2017

S02E09 - Cute as a Doll Air Date: Jan 05, 2017 21:00 - 8 years ago

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Lyna and Carissa have been fighting over whether spells or physical skills are more important in a magical princess battle. Iris helps a friend by looking after his little sister so he can take a girl that he likes out on a date. Mephisto learns a spell that makes people disappear, but when he casts it on Lyna, he shrinks her to the size of a doll. The little sister picks up Lyna, thinking she's a real doll and brings her to her room. The other girls discover Lyna is missing and track her down to the house. Praxina and Mephisto go to the house as well, hoping to shrink the other girls.

Jan 05, 2017

S02E10 - Amaru-niverse Air Date: Jan 05, 2017 21:00 - 8 years ago

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Carissa wants to learn more spells but Talia tells her she is not ready yet. Feeling useless, Carissa goes to the library and tries a multiplication spell in order to try to amplify the magic. However, when she casts it on Amaru, he ends up splitting into three Amarus with different personalities: one is an angry Amaru who wants to destroy everything, another extremely timid and evasive, and the third laid back and wanting to eat everything. The girls try to find the three Amarus so they can restore him before he dissipates from using too much energy. But the twins try to use the angry Amaru to attack the girls.

Jan 05, 2017

S02E11 - Rex Air Date: Jan 05, 2017 21:00 - 8 years ago

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Talia has been building a robot without having to resort to magic, but Auriana secretly casts a spell on Rex to make it a good-looking and smooth-talking android. Talia enters the robot in a competition, where the girls discover she is trying to impress Kyle. When Rex leads all competitors in the first day, Kyle is sad that he won't be able to win the prize: a month at Robot Camp, and Talia considers withdrawing. The twins cast a spell on Rex so that he can sneak into the girls' house and open a portal for the twins to attack them at the library. Talia has Auriana cancel her spell and convert Rex back to the robot that Talia had originally constructed.

Jan 05, 2017

S02E12 - Lost in the Shadows Air Date: Jan 05, 2017 21:00 - 8 years ago

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The girls are opening for a singing duo named Quicksand Ferret, but they discover member Sandy has no showed for another rehearsal, and their record executive threatens to cancel their contract, leaving their other member Felix sad. Upon locating Sandy, the girls learn that she has been missing rehearsals because she is no longer enjoying the fame anymore, and longs to go back to the days where she and Felix just had fun. Iris and the girls try to have the two meet for a date, but the twins take advantage of them.

Jan 05, 2017

S02E13 - I Want My LTV Air Date: Jan 05, 2017 21:00 - 8 years ago

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When the Lolirock girls want to promote their newest single, Nathaniel suggests they make a music video. But soon afterwards, a guy enters the smoothie bar claiming to be a music video director, and convinces the girls to join him at his studio to make the video. During the preparations, he has the girls be in a prehistoric cavewoman setting and requests they remove their jewelry, but as soon as the girls do that, he and his assistant reveal themselves to be the evil twins. Unable to use their magic and powers, the girls must recover their jewelry before the twins hand them to Gramorr.

Jan 05, 2017

S02E14 - Desert Heat Air Date: Jan 05, 2017 21:00 - 8 years ago

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While at a music festival in the desert, the Lolirock girls come across DJ Ezra, a charming guy who Auriana can't help but notice something is familiar about him. Ezra asks Iris to come with him to help one of his crew members whose truck was stuck in the desert, but when Iris goes along, she is captured by the twins and encased in an especially strong magic shell. After doing the same to Talia and Auriana, he reveals that he is Jodan, Auriana's brother from Volta, who persuaded Gramorr to free himself, Auriana and their family in exchange for the princesses, but Gramorr breaks his promise. The girls use their newly-practiced skill of boosting their magic to break out of the shells and defeat the twins. Although she is unable to save Jodan from returning to Ephedia, Auriana discovers he is still alive.

Jan 05, 2017

S02E15 - The Ruby of the Orient Air Date: Jan 05, 2017 21:00 - 8 years ago

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The Lolirock girls find a local artist named Debra to design a flier for their next concert. Debra and her grandfather are having to sell their house, but Iris detects something magical in one of their paintings. They find a message behind the painting from the Jack of Hearts, Debra's great-grandfather, who was accused of stealing a priceless ruby but claimed he was innocent. They follow the clue to the museum where they extract another message behind a painting, however, the twins steal the message, thinking the ruby is for an oracle gem. After defeating the twins, the girls learn that the ruby was actually supposed to be for the great grandfather, and Debra's family is able to save their home.

Jan 05, 2017

S02E16 - Loli-Lime Sublime Air Date: Jan 05, 2017 21:00 - 8 years ago

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An Ephedianeclipsehas started which causes the girls' magic powers to be glitchy. The Smoothie Bar where Nathaniel works is going out of business because of a competing store in town. The girls help Nathaniel with advertising, and when Auriana accidentally knocks some extra fruits into the smoothie, the resulting concoction becomes a big hit. Taking advantage of the glitchy security system, Praxina and Mephisto sneak into the girls' house to steal a powerful spell book.

Jan 05, 2017

S02E17 - Truth Be Told Air Date: Jan 05, 2017 21:00 - 8 years ago

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The twins use a voice changing crystal to trick the Lolirock girls to meet at different places, but when they ambush Iris, a mysterious masked woman using crystal magic drives them away. The girls find a necklace at the battle site but are unable to trace its owner, that is, until Iris brings it home and discovers the necklace is drawn to Aunt Ellen. Iris learns that Ellen is actually an Ephedian royal guard named Ellira who was tasked by Iris's mother to take care of and protect Iris on Earth. Iris and Ellen help the other two girls defeat the twins.

Jan 05, 2017

S02E18 - Dancing Shoes Air Date: Jan 05, 2017 21:00 - 8 years ago

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When Talia has trouble learning the girls' latest dance routine, the girls seek help from a dance instructor, who has Talia stay for extra practice, and to put on a set of dance shoes. However, the instructor is actually Praxina, and the shoes brainwash Talia into working for the twins. When Iris and Auriana help a somewhat clumsy guy named Taylor look for his wedding rings, they encounter Talia who then fights the girls.

Jan 05, 2017

S02E19 - Amateur Hour Air Date: Jan 05, 2017 21:00 - 8 years ago

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The LoliRock girls are scheduled to be a final act for a talent showcase at Sunny Bay. A young magician named Mark the Magnificent flops his audition, but the girls encourage him to practice, and he becomes more confident in doing his tricks. The twins give Mark a wand that lets him cast real magic. When he uses it in a practice, the girls discover it comes from Gramorr, but Mark refuses to give it up. The twins recruit Mark to their cause and use the wand to mind control him.

Jan 05, 2017

S02E20 - Strawberry Fields for Never Air Date: Jan 05, 2017 21:00 - 8 years ago

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Iris, Auriana, and Lyna visit a strawberry farm, but the field is not producing any berries. The girls detect dark crystal magic and see a bunch of holes in the ground. Praxina and Mephisto have been blasting holes in the ground to uncover an alien object that crash landed months before, which turns out to be an Xanathian ogre. The ogre soon awakens, grows big, and starts heading towards Sunny Bay to destroy things. While Iris tries to stall the ogre, Lyna and Auriana gather strawberries to make a potion to counter the ogre's powers.

Jan 05, 2017

S02E21 - Stop in the Name of Lev Part I Air Date: Jan 05, 2017 21:00 - 8 years ago

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Lara books LoliRock to perform on a high-profile television gig. When Iris tries to share the good news with Nathaniel, she is surprised to see him paying attention to Missy Robins. She later encounters Lev, the Ephedian thief from season 1, who provides Iris with a vocalextra message from her father telling her to come back to Ephedia and to trust no one. Suspecting the vocalextra might be corrupted, Talia and Auriana fight over casting the verification spell, and the vocalextra breaks. Iris tries to confide with Nathaniel, but Missy's arrival has the two acting like lovers again, which causes Iris to leave crying and deciding to go with Lev. Talia discovers Missy is wearing an Ephedian hairpin that has caused her and Nathaniel to be brainwashed. Talia and Auriana rush over to Iris at the portal entrance and warn her that someone is lying. The twins arrive and fight them, but are summoned away by Gramorr.

Jan 05, 2017

S02E22 - Stop in the Name of Lev Part II Air Date: Jan 05, 2017 21:00 - 8 years ago

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Talia and Auriana convince Iris to wait for confirmation from Izira before going through the portal. At first, Izira corroborates the message, but it soon shown that Izira's message was also interfered with by the dark crystal magic . After the girls attend their video shoot, Iris goes with Lev through the portal, only to discover it is another trap by Gramorr, who had manipulated Iris's father into saying those words. Talia and Auriana learn from Izira that the message was corrupted and they rush to the portal, where Lev is kicked back to Earth as his reward for delivering Iris. Talia, Auriana and Lev rescue Iris and fight Gramorr, who tries to close the portal. But Lev sacrifices himself to hold the portal open so the girls can escape.

Jan 05, 2017

S02E23 - Statue Game Air Date: Jan 05, 2017 21:00 - 8 years ago

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The twins have learned a joint spell to turn people into statues. Carissa learns about the value of teamwork when she watches a soccer practice. One of the soccer girls Jenny does not want to pass the ball, and despite scoring a goal, is scolded by her coach. But when the twins attack, Jenny is turned into a statue, and so are Talia and Iris, it is up to Carissa and Amaru to save them.

Jan 05, 2017

S02E24 - Forget You! Air Date: Jan 05, 2017 21:00 - 8 years ago

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During a fight between LoliRock girls and the twins, Praxina calls up a powerful spell, but it backfires. Praxina wakes up to find that she has lost her memories. The girls try to teach her how to be good, which gives her some warm feelings she has not had before. Mephisto returns to take back Praxina, and summons a monster to fight the LoliRock girls. He gives her a crown that will restore her memories. Praxina feels sad for Mephisto during the fight, but Iris lets Praxina choose to put on the crown.

Jan 05, 2017

S02E25 - Crowning Glory Part I Air Date: Jan 05, 2017 21:00 - 8 years ago

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With the crown's jewels almost complete, Talia and Auriana are excited about returning to Ephedia, but Iris has thoughts about how she will break the news to Nathaniel. She invites him to a picnic, but hesitates to answer whether she will be his girlfriend. Mephisto pretends to be a boy whose house burned down in, and tricks Iris into letting him stay in their home. While the girls host a fundraiser for him, he returns to the house and steals an important book from their enchanted library. Afterwards, Nathaniel confesses his love to Iris and Iris agrees to be his girlfriend, but Mephisto freezes Nathaniel and uses the spellbook to divert the gem to somewhere in Ephedia.

Jan 05, 2017

S02E26 - Crowning Glory Part II Air Date: Jan 05, 2017 21:00 - 8 years ago

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Iris and the LoliRock girls return to Ephedia to recover the last oracle gem, but Mephisto and Praxina snatch it from them. Gramorr uses the gem to absorb the crown's powers and free himself. The girls, with Carissa and Lyna, try to fight Gramorr but are no match for his powers. Iris summons her Shanila power to counter Gramorr's blast with her own. In the ensuing struggle, Mephisto pushes Praxina from a collapsing rock, but falls off a cliff and apparently dies from an explosion. The other girls help Iris push back the blast. The crown returns to Iris. Gramorr summons one last blast but is destroyed by the combined blast of the five princesses. Iris reunites with her parents. Praxina, wearing a piece of Gramorr's mask, interrupts the reunion vowing to take her revenge on Earth. Iris returns to Earth and meets Nathaniel, who presents her with a ring.

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